Chapter Six: Iota

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I was sitting on my bed playing a random video game on the x-box the Chancellor had given Kappa and I when we demanded either a laptop or Xbox.

I stared intently at the tv as Kappa sat on the floor in from of my bed and grabbed a controller, joining the game.

"You suck at this game you know that right?" He laughed as I died once again.

"It's easy to get distracted from the game, and it takes hardly a second for you to get shot and die," I whined tossing the controller onto the mattress.

I watched Kappa continue playing the video game. His fingers moved wildly over the controller as the video game played tiny gun shot noises.

I smiled as Kappa tilted his head to the side as if it would help him. I draped myself across the bed and played casually with his hair as he continued shooting at random bad guys in the game.

I braided tiny segments of his soft dark hair as he continued wildly flicking the controller back and forth. Every few minutes he would jolt forwards the the tiny braids would be released from his wavy hair.

"You know you're ruining my braids," I teased holding his head still.

"Yeah well you're distracting me from the game," he retorted.

"Don't get sassy. I was just stating a fact."

I chuckled softly as he continued playing and got an idea.

I bit my lip and glanced at the tv. He was halfway through the level and would be pissed at me but if it worked it would be genius.

I pulled him back against the mattress so he leaned on the bed and was pointed at the tv. I put my legs on the ground on either side of him and leaned over in front of him, blocking his view from the tv.

"IOTA MOVE," he shouted trying to escape my trap.

"Never," I laughed as the character made the noise to signify death.

"Iota I'm dead now," he whined angrily.

"See? It's easy to get distracted," I said with a smirk.

He growled and tried to push my bed on of the way but I didn't budge.

"Hey. You should come to the cafeteria and come get food with me."

"I'm playing," he cried like a baby.

"Well you're dead let's go get food."

I bounced up and held a hand down to help him up.

He grabbed my wrist and tugged me down to the ground. My face was about an inch from his.

"Distract me again and I'll beat you," he threatened.

"Wow. So scared. I'm eating for two let's goooo."

"You're eating for two?" He chuckled as he stood.

"Yep. Me and my inner bitch." I snarled skipping out of the room with a very grumpy Kappa in tow.

"Lazy lazy bones get moving," I sung as I pushed on his back to get him to walk any faster.

"Nope. Too tired. Sorry Iota but you'll just have to leave me behind," Kappa teased leaning back against my hands.

"You lazy ass you're gonna crush me," I strained trying not to let him collapse on top of me.

"Oh no, gravity, such a foe. Seems I'm losing the battle," he cried dramatically as he leaned back further.

I struggled under his weight to keep both of us standing.

"Kappa. You're. Killing. Me," I groaned bending my knees slightly.

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