Chapter Five: Zeta

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"Eta. Eta bo Beta. Fe fi fo feta. Etaaa," Theta sang as he trailed behind us.

"Theta stop singing," Eta seemed wound up.

"Eta what's wrong?" I glanced back at her.

"Nothing. This place is creepy and I don't know where anyone is," she held my hand tightly.

"We'll find someone," I promised as I held Theta's hand in mine.

I had been shut up in what the Chancellor called "the lab" for two months before she walked in with two more people and showed us a video before kicking us out to go find "others".

"I'm tired Zetaaa. Can we sleep yet?" Theta whined tugging my arm.

"Uhh yeah. Sure." I turned and opened the closest door.

"There's beds in here. Go nuts," I chuckled as Theta ran and climbed up to a top bunk before bundling in his blankets.

"Eta you should sleep too." I sat on the bottom bunk bellow Theta.

"Fine," she let out a loud yawn and laid in the bed across from me.

I rolled over and faced the wall. My mind wandered as I tried to doze off.

"Hello? Why are you in my bed?" A small voice woke me from my sleep.

I stretched and sat up before turning towards the voice.

"Wait... I...I didn't... your bed? But... your name isn't on it... but look at this, I'm sleeping in it. Odd," I acted almost surprised.

"Yeah great. Can you move? I'm tired," he asked annoyed.

"Sorry I'm settled down. There's a lot of beds here take your pick," I teased.

I rolled onto my side and faced the wall.

I felt a weight on the bed as the boy sent me shuffling closer to the wall.

"I didn't mean to use this bed," I hissed angrily.

"But I'm here aren't I?" He quizzed.

I grumbled a few words before pushing myself against the wall and forcing myself asleep.

I woke up to his back pressed against mine.

I had strayed away from the wall and was slightly curled  up. The boy was in the identical position with his back propped on mine.

"Wake up it's time for training," Another boy barked loudly.

I jumped slightly and rushed off of the bed to gather my siblings around me.

"Training?" I quizzed shooting the first boy a death glare.

"Yep. Training everyday from eight to noon. Then the rest of the day we have off but we usually just... train more," he explained, slowing towards the end as if he didn't want to confront the fact that all they did was train and eat.

"Like fighting?" Theta squealed as he hugged my legs tightly.

"It's okay Theta darling," I sang tousling his bright blue hair.

"So you're Theta?" The second boy asked as he crouched down to his height.

He nodded and his his face in my shirt.

"Well I'm Alpha and this is Beta. I know a princess who needs a wake up call if you'd like to help me."

I growled as Theta looped his hand through Alpha's and waltzed away. I held my hand out slightly as if to draw him back to my side.

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