Ch 1 ✔️

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  • Dedicated to SomeOne Special

Ch 1 La-Jas

I was leaning out of my window, wondering if he likes me. I really wish he does. Without him, my life is ruined. Life without him is like Romeo without Juliet, cheese without wine and peanut butter without jelly. Yeah, You must be thinking that it all sounds too dramatic and bla, bla, bla, yadda, yadda, yadda. But who cares? Kloe Nicholeson is officially in love.

I was supposed to be doing my math homework, but instead, I was thinking of Jasper Stuart a.k.a. the most popular guy in Albert Einstein High School. Dark brown hair somehow bleached- who knows how- from swimming laps in the pool. His black eyes always looking deeper when the sunlight hits them. They seem to pierce right through you if he looks at you. His kissable pink lips. His toned muscular body- from all the weight lifting at the gym. In short, he is handsome, with dark hair; black, piercing eyes and a tall, athletic figure. It all seems like heaven. Besides this, he has everything you would imagine in your life-time companion-he is good at sports, he's good at art, he plays the piano, violin, guitar, drums and the flute. He cooks, too, he makes the entire school laugh. Besides his outward appearance, I've heard that he's also really sensitive. A jock, and sensitive? Who am I kidding? Anyways, you get why I fell for him. I guess you also get why he's the most popular guy in school, also why he's currently dating Alana White (AKA Lana) -the MOST popular girl in school, who was also a really big wimp sometimes- okay, all the time.

She looks a lot like Jas, but has long blonde hair and brown eyes.

And me? I'm neither a nerd, nor am I a geek, nor am I popular or a cheerleader, so you, too, would be surprised to know what happened at school today.


So I, 16 year old Kloe Nicholeson was walking through the halls of Albert Einstein High School, on my way to homeroom and LaJas- thats what Lana and Jas are called in school -come by.

"Hey", Jas said to me. I didn't reply, so he went on with what he was saying, "Hey, Khlo, uh I was thinking, well, theres uh, a party at Kylee's house. You know Kylee right? She sits at the cheerleader table? Yeah, so her parents are out of town and, well, she's throwing this HUGE party at her house and all the popular people will be there... So I -uh WE, were thinking of inviting you over. So, you wanna come?"

I stood there, staring at him like a complete idiot. Oh, yeah, I know, so cool. NOT. Suddenly, I realized what I was doing and closed my mouth. I just nodded in affirmation. "Anyway", Lana said. "Jas and I will pick you up from your house at eight tonight. Okay with you?" I nodded, still surprised for some reason. "Okay then, bye. See you soon. Tootles" Lana said. I just continued to stare at her and Jas some more. Lana looked at me like she was about to say something. She opened and closed her mouth like a fish, but decided on not saying anything. And just like that, she walked away and -out of the blue- I had plans in the evening.

I thought what happened until school ended. When I reached home, I quickly filled the bathtub, got into it and had a bath. First I applied my new lavender essence shampoo and let it soak for a while before rinsing it off. Next, I applied some flower scented soap and conditioner and then rinsed that off. I finally finished a bath 45 minutes later and-ensuring that I was not stinking, due to PE earlier that day -I got out and dried my wet hair with a blow dryer, curled it and here I am just sitting, thinking about Jas.

Suddenly, I realized the time. It was already 7:30pm. I had to be ready and out in half an hour. So I looked through my closet until I found something suitable to wear. I chose a black, off-shoulder dress with a black sash and black polka-dots. I paired it up with long, diamond chandelier ear-rings and studded ballerina flats. The outfit looked insanely good on me.

As I was applying my make-up, I heard the blow of a horn. I ran out of the house, with my iPhone5 in one hand and almost taking the bottle of mascara, which I had being applying at the moment, in the other. I realized it quickly enough though, kept it back on the dresser and ran out of the house, only to find a car with Jas and Lana in it.

Jas looked at me and we had eye contact for a few seconds, but he snapped out of it when Lana snapped her fingers in front of his face. She threw an entire bucket of water at me and shouted the word 'loser' and sped away, leaving me in a puff of smoke.

I was not surprised, because I knew this was too good to be true. I went to my room, closed the door with a thud, removed my make-up carefully, changed into my favorite clothes-a jockey shorts and a comfy grey workout T-shirt -and jumped into bed only to realize that I had not finished my homework yet. (I am very particular about finishing my school work. I am not exactly the 'straight A student' and I never want to be one either. So might as well score some credit on assignments and projects.)

I reluctantly got out of bed, quickly completed my homework and got into bed once again. I lied down, straightening out the comforter spread on me and just stared at the ceiling for a while. I thought of Jas as usual. Urgg... 'WHY, can't I get over that stupid guy?' I thought.

I somehow slept at last, even though it was one in the night. A tear found its way down my cheek, as I recalled the events of that evening.

A/N- Rocking the world at 14!!! Hey. Sorry for the short chapter. It IS 1 in the night here now so I wrote a short chapter. Please comment and vote. I would really appreciate it. Also, there's a picture at the side of Kloe's dress. Don't forget to see it.

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