Ch 9 uh... Is this really happening?

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Ch 9 uh... Is this really happening?

After searching the entire mall for an hour, we came to a botique called 'Just Spencer's'. There I saw it. It was perfect. Complete with one of my favourite colours - black. I loved it.

But once I saw the price, I thought I would never get the dress. But, to my suprise, mom bought me the dress. Wow! I should do this more often, going to Tyler's house I mean.

"I know how important today night is for you Klo darling', she said. I was utterly suprised now.

Tyler's P.O.V

What do I wear? I thought. A suit? Nah! Too formal. Tux? Ditto! Khaki's? Duh, eww! Okay, now I am acting like a girl. Like officially.

I knew Kloe would go out of her way to dress up and look beautiful. She manages to do that even in a night gown or PJ's.

Kloe's P.O.V

"Achoo", I sneezed. "Bless you", mom said immediately. Hmm.... I thought. Someone's remembering me.

Tyler's P.O.V

Okay, it's final. I'm gonna wear a black shirt and my black-blue Levi's. I no Kloe's favourite colour's are black and maroon..

I got ready and looked at my reflectionin the mirror. Wait a minute, I thought. Something's missing. Oh, how could I forget my hair? I sat thinking about my hair for 10 minutes and finally decided to just ruffle it. And so I did.

I then, once again, looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"Hi handsome, I said.

"You're insane wierdo", my 14 year old twin sister's Micella and Megan said at the same time. "Losers", I muttered back. They went away.

It was then, that I realised my bedroom was door open. Those little brats. I shouted out a swear word and went down the stairs. My room was on the second floor of my 3 storied mansion.

Hmm, I still had half an hour left. Just then my cousin sister and cousin brother walked in. "Hey Tylee", my sister said. "Yo dude", my brother said. "Don't mind us. We won't do you any harm. Go enjoy your date love bird. And don't ask how I know you are going on a date. My darling cousin's all dressed up. Aww", my cousin brother continued.

"Dude my date's coming here and ya, stay, I'm cool. You've gotta meet her. She's awesome." I told them.

"Chillax dude. Go, we will wait for you"

I rolled my eyes and went.

Kloe's P.O.V

I got home with only an hour left to dress up. I quickly got into the shower and decked myself up just in time. As I was putting on my shoes I saw Ty's BMW pull into the drive way.

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could in my 7 inch high heels. I opened the door just before Tyler rang the door bell.

"At your service.", he said in a snorty tone. I giggled. (Well, I giggle at everything he says, so, well no biggie)

We then went and sat in his BMW. On the way he told me his mom's neice and dad's nephew would also be joining us for dinner. I just nodded. He also told me that they aren't related and didn't even know they were supposed to know each other until they began dating. They also went to the same high school. He then continued telling me about them and I continued nodding and listened. The description of these people sound SO familiar.

We reached his house, and I admit, my sense of direction is really good but his house WAS hard to find. I was dazzed by the structure. It was a 3 storied mansion complete with a swimming pool, a neatly manicured backyard and lawn, a games room, a tennis court, a badminton court and a 5 foot tall fountain.

Tyler's POV-

Chole looked beautiful as always and oh so cinderella. But my Belle (as in Belle from Beauty and the Beast) will now think I'm just a big show-off and a snob. Wow! That's amazing! So terrific! NOT!

Kloe's POV-

We entered Ty's house. There was a wide passage as soon as you enter which then opened-up to an gigantic living room. When I entered the room, I saw three people I recognised. One of course was his dad and the other two were......

Tyler suddenly began introducing everyone, this broke my thoughts,"Kloe, that's my dad, you know him. These are my younger twin sisters-Micella and Megan. This is my elder sister Tiffany and those are my cousins I was telling you about.... That's........"

I completed his sentence,"Lana White and Jasper Stuart"

A/N- Ha ha.... Didn't see that coming did ya? Well neither did I until I began writing this chapter. Anyway, please vote and comment for me..

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