Chapter 18

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Emily's P.O.V

Hunter lifts my head and leans into kiss me. Surprisingly, I kiss him back. Riley runs downstairs and stares at us for a good 20 minutes. Hunter smirks then looks at me and smiles.

"Riley, Go back to bed... There's nothing going on here." I say, smiling at Hunter.

"YEAH RIGHT! There is something going on here! YOU TWO HAVE FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER!!!" Riley screams. Hunter's smile fades and he looks at Riley.

"If you tell anyone that this happened... I swear I will.."

"What will you do?" Riley asks.

"You can't hurt her, Hunter..." I say. "If you have feelings for me, Which clearly you do, you would not hurt her." I say, looking at him then Riley.

Riley nods and smirks, "So, even if I told... Michelle..." Riley starts. Oh God.

"Riley, Don't." I say, calmly.

"Em, Just let me handle this. I won't hurt her." Hunter says, walking to me.

"Tell Michelle. That just means she'll get jealous that Emily has me and will go crawling back to Eldon who will probably take her back... WAIT. Where am I going with this?" Hunter looks at me and I sigh.

"I think its time for you to go, Hunter.. See you tomorrow." I say, pushing him out the door then closing it and locking it quietly.

"Riley..." I start.

"I know. Go to bed." Riley says, walking up the stairs.

"Wait." I say.


"Umm... Can you please not tell anyone in A-Troupe until I know that he really likes me. Like, LIKE LIKE. So.. Can this just be between us for now? Please?" I ask.

She sighs and nods.

"Yeah. I can do that... What if Michelle asks? She knows you guys are hanging out tonight... What if she asks if you guys... kissed?" She asks back.

"Just lie. Make something up... Please." I say.

"Okay. I'll try my best. Im not the best at lying.. Remember.."

"Yeah. I know. Just try. Night, Riles." I say.

"Night Em."

Riley's P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I yawn and pick up my phone.


Why the heck is he calling me at.... 6 AM? WHAT?

"Hello?" I answer all sleeply.

"Riley... I.. uhh... need to tell you something... Well... Kate does." Im guessing he passed his phone to Kate because she starts talking really fast.

"RileywelostthestudiowehavenowheretodancenowwhatamIgoingtodo?" Wait. What?

"Miss Kate, slow down." I say.

"Riley, We lost the studio. We have no where to dance now.. what am I going to do? Nationals is right around the corner..."

We.. lost the studio? But.. how?

"Just stay where you are. Emily and I will  be right there." I say, hanging up the phone.

A/N Here is chapter 18. Sorry it's so short. Trying to leave so good stuff for the end of the book. : ) Enjoy!

Tell me that you love me *Third book to the 'Falling for you' series* *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now