Damn That Falling Dream

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Annie's POV

I gazed into his piercing crystal blue eyes, laced with gray-green rims. His blonde hair fell over his forehead as small wisps tried to cover his eyes. I looked down at him on his knee as he took out a small red velvet box. He grinned as his smooth Irish voice fluttered to my ears through his light pink lips. "Annie Grace Brooks, will you marry me?" I smiled widely and started to nod yes as I took a step back, causing my foot to slip out from under me. I quickly gasped and braced for impact as I fell backwards, everything going dark, and-

My eyes shot open as my body jolted, heart pounding. I looked around my room to find myself in bed. The morning California light of April was shining through my window lightening my room, and the gorgeous Irish boy was no where to be seen. "Damn that falling dream!" I grumbled to myself as I turned over to look at the time. 9:37. I sighed. I might as well get up, now that I feel like I've been falling into a pit of blackness for a split second. I sat up and headed toward the bathroom past my full length mirror, catching my morning reflection as I walked past. 'Yikes,' I thought. I proceeded to my bathroom to take a hot shower. After half an hour I came back out fresh and clean to start my Saturday. I was incredibly happy that school was going to be over within the next few weeks, and that I didn't have to go today. I brushed through my long dark brown hair that did nothing to bring out my just as dark eyes. I threw on some jean shorts and a red tank top. I swiped on some mascara and examined my face in the mirror. I always felt so average. I never thought I looked exceptionally beautiful, just plain. Plain brown hair and plain brown eyes. I yawned as I headed downstairs to get some breakfast. I found my friend Claire eating a bowl of cereal at the island, already fully dressed in a pretty yellow sundress. "Why are you such an early bird?" I teased. Her eyes met mine and she laughed.

"I don't stay up late like you." She flipped her auburn hair over her shoulder. I shrugged and began to rummage through the pantry. I ended up eating some cereal too. I was just washing my bowl when I heard a loud beeping noise outside. I looked through the window and saw a large u-Haul truck outside and some people carrying in furniture and bags. "Did you know there were was someone moving in next door?" I asked Claire.

She peered over my shoulder. "No... We should go over and introduce ourselves!"

"Maybe later. They look busy right now." There were a few guys walking around, others were carrying in a large couch. There was one guy wearing sunglasses who had really curly hair. I smiled to myself. I always thought curly hair was cute. While I was in the kitchen, I took it upon myself to bake some chocolate chip cookies to present to our new neighbors. It was strange, really. We had never seen anyone next door for months, and now someone is moving in.

Later that afternoon, the truck was gone next door, so I thought it might be a good time to go over. "Claire!" I shouted downstairs, "Let's go over now." She ran up the stairs and said, "I wonder who it is. I hope it's not like an old person. I hate boring neighbors..." I chuckled as I opened the front door, plate of cookies in hand. Claire followed behind me all the way up to the front door of the next house down. I glanced at her and sighed. "Well, here we go." I reached for the doorbell and pressed the button, sending a ding echoing on the other side. Soon we heard feet running down the stairs, and seconds later, a guy with curly brown hair and lovely green eyes opened the door and flashed us a charming and crooked smile, dimples showing. "Hello," he said in a deep British voice. "Can I help you?" Claire and I exchanged quick glances, both realizing that we were standing on the doorstep of Harry Styles. My heart  was racing, but I forced myself to remain calm.

"Um, hi," I said. "I'm Annie, and this is my friend Claire. We're your neighbors!"

He grinned at me and said, "Nice to meet you, neighbors. I'm Harry. Come in!" We look at each other in disbelief and step inside. "Boys, we have some visitors!" he shouted through the house. Pretty soon we were surrounded by four gorgeous boys all wearing wide smiles on their faces. Four? I counted in my head as I looked from face to face. Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Harry. Where's Niall? My thoughts were interrupted when Harry said, "Guys, this is Annie and, uh..."

"Claire," she reminded him.

"Yeah, Annie and Claire. They're our new neighbors!" There was a mixed chorus of greetings and sounds of approval. Louis was the first to speak. "Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Louis, and this Zayn and Liam," he gestured. "And this is Harry." They all gave us a smile and a small wave. I looked around the apartment. There were boxes everywhere and two large couches that we sat down in. I couldn't help but wonder where Niall was, especially after that dream I had this morning.

"So," I said, "this is pretty... amazing! I can't believe you guys moved here of all places. Just so you know, I am a huge fan, but I'm trying really hard right now not to scream!" The guys laughed and Liam said, "Yeah, you can do what Niall did when he met Justin Bieber. Just leave the room for a minute and start screaming and jumping up and down!" Then I couldn't help myself, so I asked "Where is Nia-" and suddenly he appeared. He was looking at his phone as he came up the stairs. "Who was at the door?" He glanced up. "Oh, heh, hi," he said, startled, as he realized there were two random girls in the living room. "You guys never said there were two pretty girls here," he said, looking at me and flashing me a shy smile. He introduced himself to us.

"I'm Niall. 'S'nice to meet you," he said in his cute Irish accent.

"Hi! I'm Annie and this is Claire. We live next door," I said, hoping he wouldn't notice the light shade of pink showing up on my cheeks. We began to have a conversation about what they were up to in America, how touring was and all that jazz.

Liam said, "Well, thank you for a lovely visit, girls. And for those cookies. They were brilliant!" Not that he would really know. Niall had eaten almost the entire plate. He patted his stomach and said, "Yeah, can you make some more of those?" I laughed saying, "For you, Niall? Of course!"

"Well we really wish you could stay longer-" started Harry.

"But," Liam interrupted, "someone's gotta unpack everything! As you can tell, we have a lot to do still."

As we were escorted back to the door I said, "Okay, thanks for having us! We'll have to hang out sometime and we can get to know each other better." I was just turning to head out the door when I felt someone's hand grab mine. I turned to see those two piercing crystal blue eyes laced with gray-green rims looking at me. Niall. His gaze made me weak in the knees. "Don't forget this," he said, slipping a small folded piece of paper into my hand. I opened it and saw a phone number scribbled down. "Th-thanks," I said, blushing. "See you later guys!" I turned and hurried out the door.

"Bye! Seeya!" they waved. We walked home silently and as soon as the door shut behind us, we both screamed and jumped up and down like little girls. "This is the best day ever!" I exclaimed. I couldn't wait until the next time I see Niall. I was mesmerized by his cuteness the entire time I was there. Louis kept joking around with Harry and Niall would let his laugh fill the whole room with life. Dazed, I walked into my room, when something out the window caught my eye. I saw a glimpse of blonde hair in the window across from mine. It's Niall! "Oh!" I said, not realizing both of our windows were open. He heard me, and looked up. He smiled and called, "Oh hey, Annie! I guess this kinda makes us roommates. Kinda." I laughed as I locked eyes with him. "Kinda," I smiled. Could this day get any better?

A/N: Hey guys, so this is chapter 1 of my 1D fanfic. I hope you like it! Let me know what you think so far. Thanks! :)

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