A Hug

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I thought I'd throw in Harry's point of view here. Enjoy!

Harry’s POV

I was sitting on the couch next to Niall, watching TV and trying to ignore the awkward silence that had settled in. He was staring intensely at the screen, which told me he wasn’t all there. He’s been in a daze since yesterday. I kept remembering everything that had happened after we left Annie. Oh, Annie. She looked so torn. Just thinking about her face when I left her there makes my eyes tear up. I went through the events of yesterday for the millionth time. I followed after Niall as we left, Demi’s car had disappeared. As soon as he stumbled through the door, his legs gave out from underneath him. He was a pitiful heap sobbing on the floor. I looked down at him.

“Ni,” I mumbled. “Get up.” He abruptly sat up and recovered himself, staring straight ahead. I don’t even think he heard me. I was startled by the vacant emptiness of his eyes. I watched him as he stood up and retreated to his room, quietly shutting the door behind him. He hadn’t come out since, until early this morning when I found him sitting at the kitchen table, aimlessly playing with his food. His eyes were puffy and bloodshot, and his nose was red. I could tell he had done a lot of crying since yesterday. And now here we sat, awkwardly saying nothing, both thinking of the same thing. I decided to visit Annie today to see how she was doing, but I didn’t want Niall to find out cause he gets mad if someone moves in on his girl. The thing is, though, she’s not really his girl anymore. She hadn’t answered a single call or text he’d sent all day. I got up from the couch and quietly slipped out the door. I ran the doorbell twice and shook my curls and smoothed them to the side. Claire opened the door, her auburn hair falling in waves around her face.

“Hi!” she smiled. “What’s up?”

I grinned. “Is Annie here?”

Her smile slowly faded. “Yeah, she’s downstairs watching TV. You can go down if you want.”

“Thanks.” I ran down the stairs and saw her dark hair as she sat on the big comfy sofa. I enthusiastically said, “Annie Brooks!”

She turned around, half-heartedly saying, “Harry Styles!” I threw myself down on the couch next to her.

“Careful! My leg!”

“Oh yeah, how’s it doing?”

“It’s pretty good. Not as swelled as before... So why are you here?”

“Just coming to check on you,” I shrugged.

“Oh, well yeah my leg is fine.”

I cleared my throat. “No, I mean...” She realized I was talking about the events of yesterday.

She tensed up. Quietly, and with sorrow dripping from her words, she said, “Oh... Yeah. That’s not fine.”

“Are you okay?” I whispered.

“Yeah... No.” Her voice broke as her eyes began to shine with tears.

In a very slow and gentle voice I asked, “Do you need me to get you anything?”She nodded.


“A hug.” I leaned over her and gave her a big, long bear hug. She tightened her fists around my shirt and squeezed me close to her. She seemed so frail and weak as I held her next to my body. God, it made me so pissed that Niall hurt her like this. All I wanted to do was hug her and make her feel better. She’s too beautiful and fragile to be broken like this. I just wanted to hold her and protect her forever. I realized her shoulders were shaking a bit, meaning she was crying, so I rubbed her back. She sat up, making room so I could sit right next to her. I noticed she wasn’t wearing the sweatshirt from Niall that she had worn around the house almost every day since he gave it to her. I put my arm around her shoulder as a friendly, comforting gesture. She leaned her head on my shoulder sighing.

“So, what do you think you’re gonna do?” I asked.

“I don’t know. He kissed her back... even though she did kiss him first. But I said some really mean things to him. I doubt he would even want me back after that.”

I suddenly laughed. “Oh trust me, he wants you back. He’s been in an awful mood. He’s been crying, and he’s hardly eating. He feels horrible. He really doesn’t seem to be all there. I think he’s lost in his own mind.” I paused, then continued apprehensively.

“I wasn’t sure at first if he really did love you. I mean, you haven’t known each other that long, but I’m sure now. As much as it hurts me to admit that you two are still truly in love, I’m saying it for you. Because I care about you Ann. I want you to be happy.” Whoa. I felt like I just poured my heart out.

“Thank you Harry, but I don’t know how I feel about him anymore. I think we should take a break from each other. I’ve gone through too much lately. It might just be best for me.”

“Annie, he still loves you. Maybe... maybe you could give him another chance?” My sentence came out sounding more like a question. “He’s so out of it without you.” I could tell she was becoming uncomfortable talking about him, so I decided to end the conversation. “Well, whatever you decide, just know I’m ALWAYS here for you.”

“Thanks Harry. You’re such a good friend.”

“So are you Anniebear. I better leave. I don’t want Niall to know I’m here. He might get mad cause he doesn’t like it when I hang out with you alone. It’s like sometimes he doesn’t trust me. Even though you’re really not together anymore, it’s still not okay to go for your best mate’s girl.”

“He’s just protective,” she mumbled.

“Yeah, well... seeya later. Call me if you need anything.” As I began to get up, she pulled me down to hug me once more.

She whispered in my ear. “I’m so lucky to have you, Hazza. Thanks for being there for me.” She quickly pecked me on the cheek and smiled. My face burned, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t notice in the dimly lit basement. I stared at her in pure shock for a second before a smile crept onto my face, revealing my dimples.

“Bye,” I said, rushing upstairs.

Claire was looking intently at her phone as I entered the kitchen. Her head snapped up when she heard me. In a hushed voice she said, “Harry, how is she? Did she talk to you? She’s been really quiet around me and says she just wants to be alone.”

“Yeah, she talked to me. She’s not sure how she feels about Niall but I told her he’s really sorry. I know he loves her. I told her that.”

“He does?” Her face softened as her eyes lit up. “What did she say?”

“She’s not sure if she loves him anymore. I find it hard to believe that she wouldn’t, though.”

“Yeah, I can tell they’re in love- or were. I really can’t believe it’s actually over between them.”

“I know. I’m going to try to talk to Niall and see how he’s doing. He hasn’t said a word since yesterday. He just stares off into space and cries.”

“Harry, we need to get them back together! That’s when they’re happy!”

A huge grin spread across my face as a brilliant plan was born in my head. “Yeah, we do. And I think I have an idea.”

Oh, what could it be? Comment!!!

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