We're Twins!

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Harry's POV: "Come on guys!" I was running down the streets of L.A. with the guys, Claire, and Annie. "Let's go in here!" said Louis. I peered through the window and saw that it was a clothing store with a bunch of weird costume clothes. Claire and Annie exchanged glances, probably thinking 'What the hell?' They shrugged and followed Louis, who was already exploring the store.

"Zayn, let's go!" He was lagging behind. "I'm comin!" he shouted, jogging to catch up. A little bell tinkled as I swung the door open, followed by Claire, Annie, Niall, Liam, and Zayn. Inside the store, there were hats, dresses, tuxedos, and sunglasses of every shape and size. Niall and Annie were holding hands and acting coy with each other, giggling and messing around. I sighed. Annie... She's so pretty. I can't believe the one girl I really fall for who's beautiful, smart, and funny was snapped up by Niall, one of my best mates. But I can't blame him, she is amazing. "Hey Harry, we're twins!" The sound of Annie’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. She was wearing a curly brown wig, a smile spreading across her whole face and laughing, Niall chuckling at her. "Yeah, it's just like my hair," I said with fake enthusiasm. “But I think you should leave that look to me!” I joked. Sadly, I've been having a poor time since Niall and Annie came within ten feet of each other. We continued to wander through the store with no real intention of buying anything. Niall ended up buying Annie a bracelet with a charm on it, what looked like a small gold heart. Hmm... I wish that was me buying things for her. I wish I had a girlfriend to spoil with gifts. A girlfriend like Annie. The way she looks at him makes me wonder why she can’t look at me like that. And why it can’t be me doing all those things for her. I could do that, too. I could be the one to make her happy. I sighed. I wish that was me...

*Later that night, back at home*

My thoughts about Niall and Annie being together continued to torture me as the day went on. I got up from my bed and walked straight into Niall's room just as he was shutting his window and curtains after saying goodnight to Annie. He turned around to see me standing at his door. “Sup, Haz?” he grins.

“Can I come in?” I ask.

“Yeah of course you can come in my room.” He gives me a confused look, like ‘duh.’

"Can I, can I talk to you about... something?"

"Yeah, what about?" I looked at him hesitantly and said, "Well... It's about this girl. Well actually, it’s about Annie." His eyes lit up instantly and he grins. "Yeah, what about'er?"

"Well... I just... was wondering... Are you two, like, a couple now?"

"Well, yeah pretty much. I asked her to be my girlfriend that day I took her to the beach." He blushed. Crap.

My eyes bulged out of my head and my jaw dropped. “When were you planning on telling us this?”

He shrugged and said, “I dunno, soon? We haven’t been together that long. Why did you want to know anyway?”

"Nevermind, I was just wondering."

"Ok," he said. "Are you sure that's it?"

"Yeah don't worry about it," I mumbled, and I walked straight to Louis' room down the hall.

I knocked on the door softly as I entered and said "Louis can I talk to you about something?" He walks out of his bathroom wearing a white T-shirt and sweatpants. He walks to his bed and says, "Boobear, we can talk about anything. Come sit down next to Louis. Tell me what's on your mind." He smiled sweetly.

"Well, I just talked to Niall, and he said he's, like, with Annie. He asked her to be his girlfriend that day he took her to the beach."

"Is that right? Well... they're quite the pair aren't they? They really hit it off from the start," he replied. "They couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other today."

"Yeah," I start. "That's kind of the problem."

"Why is that a problem?" He was honestly confused, and couldn’t even tell how in love with Annie I was. I gave him an impatient sigh.

"Niall is with Annie... and I'm not," I say, looking down at my nails.

"Oh, so you're saying that... Oooohhhh! Harry, you like Annie too? Oh my, I guess we do have a problem don't we?" He made a ‘tsk’ noise and shook his head.

"Yeah, I guess we do," I said, irritated.

"Hey, no need to be snippy now."

"Sorry. I'm just like, really frustrated I guess. Why does Niall get the girl I really fall for? She's so perfect for me, but they're, like, so perfect for each other too. I think they’re in love..."

"Harry," he starts, "I would love to help you here, but I think this one is between you and him. I don’t want to tell you to go for his girl. They’re already together. And, how do you know she’s the one? If she is, things'll work themselves out, but for now she’s with Niall. Don't worry. Until you find your perfect girl, you've always got me." He gives a sweet smile and slaps my back.

"Thanks Lou, I guess," I muttered as I left his room.

He shouted down the hall after me saying, "LOVE YOU!" and waited for a reply. I replied by groaning loudly and slamming my door. I don't know what to do right now. I can't tell Niall cause I don't want him to be mad at me for wanting his girl, but I can't tell Annie cause I’m scared she'll reject me. And Louis was no help at all. Note to self; next time I want advice, go to Zayn or Liam... But for now, I have nowhere to go.

Aww, so sad :( Sorry, this one's kinda short!

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