Can I Tell You a Secret?

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Ok, I know the song “I Wish” is already on the Up All Night album, but let’s pretend it’s not for this chapter! Hehe, enjoy :)

I woke up the next morning to find Niall sleeping in the bed next to mine. There was no one sharing my room so I guess they just let him sleep there. “Niall!” I said. He stretched and yawned, then sat up. He sat quietly for a minute, then gasped. “The doctor said you can come home today!” I guess I was feeling much better and my body didn’t even hurt that much anymore. I must have been pretty drugged up! Niall helped me into his car, taking the crutches from me. He must have gone back with everyone to get some things and drove back in his car. By this point I knew I was basically high, because I was saying some weird stuff. “Niall, did anyone ever tell you you’re beautiful? Oh oh, that’s what makes you beautiful. So c-come on... Don’t answer that... Hey guess what? Harry looooves me and not you, so ha! But I love your Irish country. It gives you pretty eyes... leprechaun. Ha... I’m funny.”

He was laughing and obviously had no idea how to respond to any of that. I continued, “Am I... am I high right now? Is this real life? It’s probably a dream cause you’re from One Direction, and I don’t know One Direction. They’re famous.”

He said, “Of course it’s real life. And yeah, you’re really drugged up on your meds! We’re almost home.” He giggled some more at me.

“Oh, well you should... make sure I’m not arrested. Hey, hey, can I tell you a secret?”


“I like Niall because he’s a sexy beast. Ssshhh, don’t tell him! He can’t find out.” Yeah... weird stuff, right?

After a long nap, I woke up feeling normal in the brain again, and quite embarrassed for all the stuff I might have said in front of Niall or whoever else. I suddenly remembered that piece of paper Harry gave me. I hadn’t gotten a chance to read it. I took the piece of paper out of my pocket and unfolded it. It read:

He takes your hand,

I die a little.

I watch your eyes,

And I'm in riddles.

Why can't you look at me like that?

When you walk by,

I try to say it.

But then I freeze

And never do it.

My tongue gets tied

The words gets trapped.

I hear the beat of my heart getting louder

Whenever I'm near you.

But I see you with him slow dancing

Tearing me apart

Cause you don't see,

Whenever you kiss him

I'm breaking,

Oh how I wish that was me.

He looks at you

The way that I would,

Does all the things I know that I could.

If only time could just turn back

Cause I got three little words

That I've always been dying to tell you.

But I see you with him slow dancing,

Tearing me apart

Cause you don't see

Whenever you kiss him

I'm breaking,

Oh how I wish, oh how I wish, oh how I wish that was me.

Oh how I wish that was me.

Wow... I called Harry and told him to come over. He arrived shortly after. Niall was sleeping on the couch in my room. Harry walked in quietly and hugged me. I said “I’m really glad to see you. I read that song you wrote. It’s really good. But it seems like... Is it about... me and... Niall?” He looked embarrassed but said, “No... Well, yeah, kinda.”

“Well, it’s reeaally good. It could go on your next album!”

“You think so? That would be great! I’ll have to talk to our manager about that...”

“Yeah... so are we okay?”

He sighed. “Of course. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I’m glad we can still be friends. I’d rather be friends with you than nothing at all.”

“That’s a relief. Harry, you’re one of my best friends. Would you... mind singing me the song?”

“Uh, well sure.” He looked caught off guard, but he cleared his throat and began. I listened to him, watching him the whole time. He sang with his eyes closed almost the whole time, never looking right at me. When he finished I said, “Wow, Harry! That is really good! I love it!”

“Thanks,” he laughed. He looked into my eyes with his mesmerizing green ones. They flickered down to my lips for a split second before looking up again. He was slowly leaning in closer to me. His lips were getting dangerously close to mine. “Harry, no,” I whispered. He backed off, blushing quite noticeably. “Sorry.”

“Ahem.” We both looked to see Niall sitting up watching us. “Harry, good song. Really good! But remember to stay away from my girl.”

He looked down, still with red cheeks, and muttered, “Sorry Niall. I didn’t mean to...”

“It’s alright man, just stop hitting on her. She’s my girlfriend.”

I cut in saying, “Niall. It’s fine.” I gave him a warning look.

“I know, but he’s just always-”

“Niall, I know. Don’t worry about that. We already handled it.”

The tension in the room hung like a cloud of smoke, until Harry said, “Well, I think I should go.”

“No, you don’t have to leave, Haz,” I said.

Niall looked at me and I gave him the “Mommy, can we keep it?” face, complete with the pouty lips.

He got my message and said, “Sorry, Hazza. I guess I’m just kind of-”

“Over protective?” I cut in.

He raised an eyebrow at me, a smirk appearing on his face. Then he looked back at Harry. “You can stay.”

Yeahhhh... Not the greatest chapter. But please comment and tell me what you think! I love to get your thoughts and opinions!

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