Where's Niall?

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“Okay. Please tell him I’m sorry. He wouldn’t listen to me. Claire, come on. I need to talk to you.” She followed me down the middle of the back road and I told her everything. I was getting all teary again as I choked on the words as I told her how horribly awful I felt about breaking Harry’s heart. I looked ahead of me just in time to notice a car whipping around the corner extremely fast, wheels screeching to a halt, and-



I heard screaming, but it sounded very far off in the distance. I realized there was an intense throbbing pain in my head, like someone stuffed a boulder inside my skull. My entire body was numb. I tried to scream, but no sound came out. Around me I saw blurry images, one I think was Claire. Every noise pounded and echoed in my eardrums. Then I realized I had a feeling in my chest that you get when your underwater for too long and you’re struggle to surface, like your lungs are being compressed into thin sheets. My mouth opened and I gasped for air. I tried to move my legs but they were too heavy. I heard people running and shouting. “CALL AN AMBULANCE!” I think it was Liam. I still felt nothing but a pain in my head. I closed my eyes for what seemed like one second. When I opened them again there were red flashing lights and many people around me saying things I couldn’t follow. I closed my eyes to shield them from the bright lights. Once I opened them, I found myself inside a small white room. The smell of antibacterial stuff nearly suffocated me. I heard Niall screaming and shouting. “Where’s Niall?” I mumbled. A woman’s voice said, “Shh, don’t talk.”

“Where’s Niall?....Ouch!” I looked at my arm and saw a thin tube connected to a needle sticking out of my arm.

“Sorry,” she mumbled, looking extremely concentrated.

“What’s that?” I said, referring to the tube sticking out of me.

“It’s a sedative. You’ll be out in a few minutes.” I laid there for a moment, then remembered Niall. “Excuse me, where’s Niall?”

She looked at me and said in an annoyed voice, “I don’t know who Niall is, but please be quiet and relax.”

I tried to move myself to get up, but she yelled, “No, stop! You can’t move any more than you have to. Lie down!”

I weakly said, “Can you please get Niall? He’s my boyfriend. I can’t leave without him! His name is Niall. Please?” More shouting from Niall outside let her know that we were definitely not leaving without him by my side. She huffed and shouted towards the door, “Jeff, get Niall in here. She’s asking for him.” The doors swung open after a second and a white-faced Niall rushed to my side. He took my hand and kissed it, looking directly into my eyes. Silent tears rolled down his face.

“It’s gonna be okay,” he told me. His shaky voice broke. I think he said it for himself more than for me. “I wish I wouldn’t have to sing this song of all songs to you, but I’m gonna.” He sings quietly in my ear, almost whispering. More tears roll down from his watery blue eyes. I could hardly hear him at first, but then I began to make out words, and a familiar, slow, sad melody...

“Heart beats harder,

Time escapes me,

Trembling hands touch skin.

It makes this harder,

And the tears stream down my face.

If we could only have this life for one more day,

If we could only turn back time.

You know I'll be your life, your voice, your reason to be

My love, my heart is breathing for this

Moment, in time

I'll find the words to say

Before you leave me today.”

Everything started fading. My eyelids became heavy and the loud noises got quieter. I tried to hang on to the sound of his voice and feel his warm hand in mine. After a few more moments, a strange peacefulness came over me. With Niall by my side, I slipped into unconsciousness.

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