It's a Surprise

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Annie's POV

(It has been 3 weeks since One Direction moved in next door)

Niall. Niall. Niall Niall Niall Niall Niall. That's all I had been thinking about for the past 3 weeks. I felt something growing between us. We really click, if that doesn’t sound too cliche. He makes me laugh on a regular basis. We also have little "moments" when our gazes meet, and I can barely pull myself away. Everytime his arm brushes mine, I get chills. His voice makes my heart skip a beat. I haven't even texted him yet, so I thought today would be a good day. I wouldn't want to seem too eager or desperate if I texted him right away, right? But now it seems like I don’t want to text him, so I did it. By simply saying, "Hey what's up? It's Annie :)"

I received a message in reply less than a minute after. 'Wow, that was fast,' I thought. It said, "Hey! I'm glad you finally texted me :) We need to hang out today"

I said that would be fun. He replied saying “look outside.” I popped my head out the window and looked across. He was leaning out of his window waiting for me. He smiled when he saw me and said with his deep Irish voice, "Hey Ann. I thought it would be rude for me to ask this over a text, so uh... Do you want to go out? Like, with me? You know... as a, as a date?”

I looked just as shocked as I felt... Until my lips curved up into a wide grin and I said, “Uh... I thought we were just gonna hang out, but sure... I mean yeah! Of course! I would love to!”

“Phew... Ok great, sooo can you meet me outside in a half hour?"

"Yeah! Where exactly are we going?"

"It's a surprise!" he said and smirked devilishly, his eyes sparkling in the sun.

"Oooooh, I like surprises! Ok, meet you in a bit." I shut my window and immeditately began to panic. I was so nervous, but excited at the same time! It was about 10 am and I had to rush to get ready. I was still laying around in bed when I had texted him. I put a teeny bit of makeup on because I knew he likes it when girls don't wear a lot, and my hair fell naturally in beachy waves. I got dressed in casual clothes that I could wear anywhere, since I didn't know where I was going. I skipped down the stairs and found Claire getting ready to go out. “Hey, want to come shopping with me?” she asked. I couldn’t help but just smile back, my eyes sparkling. She gave me a weird look. “What’s with you? And why are you all dressed up so early?”

“Oh no reason, just going out. On a date.”

She nearly choked on her cereal. “A date?! With who?! Tell me!”

“Okay, okay! It's just this guy I met... named Niall Horan." Her eyes widened and she jumped up and hugged me. “Oh my God I can’t believe it! Well I can believe it cause you two are obviously made for each other, but oh my gosh! I’m so excited for you! Where is he taking you?”

“I don't know! He said it’s a surprise! I’m guessing somewhere in LA, that’s where everything is. I don't know when I'll be back, either, so you could probably just order a pizza for dinner or something. Do I look okay?" Just then the doorbell rang twice and I looked at Claire. “Wish me luck!” I strode over to the front door, my knees a little shaky. "Good luck!" she practically whispered. I was soooo nervous. A date with Niall Horan? It was too good to be true. I smiled to myself as I slipped on a pair of flip flops. I opened the door to see Niall standing there in all his gorgeousness. His golden hair was swept casually to the side, and he wore a light blue polo shirt and khaki cargo shorts. He wore flip flops too, and a pair of aviators pushed up on his head. "Hi," he said and cleared his throat. "You look really pretty today." He looked down, nervously scratching the back of his neck. I smiled and joked, "Thanks, so do you!"

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