My Sweatshirt?

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Once again, I found myself in an ambulance, feeling a little better than last time I was in one. That’s not normal, saying this time in an ambulance is better than last time, right? I must have pretty bad luck with cars. Or just life in general. I sat back and let the paramedic help me. I winced in pain and squeezed my eyes shut as I felt cool liquid sting the open gash on my arm. I was startled by the sound of Niall’s voice next to me. I hadn’t heard him come in, but there he was. I opened my eyes. Tears streaked his pale face, his cheeks flushed. His eyes were puffy and red. He croaked, "Annie, I'm so sorry I let this happen. It’s all my fault. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry for bringing Shannon, she means nothing to me! She’s just some random girl I picked up, she’s nothing! You’re all that matters to me. I'm sorry for everything! I’m sorry I wasn’t a good boyfriend. I’m sorry that you keep getting hurt. I’m sorry... It’s all my fault. I’m just so sorry." He sobbed into his hands, then looked back up. "Annie, I want you to know how much I-"

"Niall.” He stops and peers into my eyes, which were beginning to well up with tears. “I... I don't think we should be together.” The look on his face was pure shock.

"W-why not?”

"You might get hurt if you're around me." I smiled humorously. It was true, though. He laughed and let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Annie, I l-”

“I know. I love you too. I never stopped loving you. Please don't cry though, okay? I'll be alright.”

He nodded and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, then took mine, lightly rubbing it with his thumb.

“It’s gonna be different this time with us. I promise. I promise I will never hurt you again. I will never hurt you. I just didn’t realize how much you mean to me until it was too late. You were already gone. But this time... I’ll make things right." He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it. “I promise.”

We arrived at the hospital, this whole process becoming quite annoying. It’s far too hectic for my liking, especially because I’m always the one who is in need of emergency services. But Liam was being rushed in on a stretcher as well. His leg was propped up slightly, and he seemed to be in a lot of pain. I felt sorry for him. He was trying hard to be safe and responsible, while everyone else was being a distraction. Niall followed me all the way to the ER door, where they stopped him. As the double doors swung closed, I hear him yell, “I love you, babe! You’ll be okay.”

A few hours later, it was around 2 am. I was exhausted and completely overwhelmed with emotion. I was amazed to still have my life. The pain of not being with Niall still stung, but the relief of having him back again was like a warmth of happiness that glowed inside me. But it felt dimmed by the pang of guilt that I hid after kissing Harry. I was nervous. I had to tell Niall sometime. I couldn’t keep it a secret forever. He would find out eventually, and then both Harry and I would be in deep shit. I don’t know how he would react, as he’s so protective of me... The doctor’s persistent scribbling at the counter to my right annoyed me out of my thoughts. I sighed in an attempt to calm myself and get my feelings sorted out. These things I felt seemed so amplified compared to other people. I felt like nothing in my life was normal anymore. Not since Niall. Speaking of which, he strode through the door that very moment, distracting me from my little world inside my head.

The doctor turned around, her eyes meeting the sight of four boys and one girl crowd into the little room, all looking extremely tired and stressed. Liam had the bed next to mine, on request to be in the same room as me. He had a cast on his leg, but a content smile on his face. I was glad to see him in a good mood after such a horrible accident.

“How is she?” inquired Zayn. His big brown eyes pondered as he stared at the doctor, who sighed and smiled as a nurse walked in to check on us. She gave a sweet smile but said nothing, allowing the doctor to speak.

"She's incredibly lucky. It's a miracle she got out of the accident without any severe injuries, let alone survive it. Just some stitches and some bruising. The one thing I’m puzzled by is why the seatbelt didn’t cut her  throat. That would have proven fatal...” she trailed off.

“The sweatshirt!” I blurted. I received seven confused looks, which led me to continue. “The sweatshirt. I was laying on it. It must have been in between my neck and the seatbelt!”

"What sweatshirt?" asked Louis.

The previously silent nurse interjected. "That one." She pointed to a green, blood stained sweatshirt that was lying in a sealed in a plastic bag on the counter. My eyes darted to Niall, whose face looked like he'd seen a ghost. “My sweatshirt?” his hoarse voice whispered. Could that really be the reason I lived?

“So... if it wasn't for that sweatshirt, I could've been dead right now?”

The doctor replied with an unreadable expression. “Most likely. It’s almost certain.” Whoa. I would be dead if it hadn’t been for that little sweatshirt?

She continued speaking. “You’re quite a lucky girl, Annie.”

I looked to Niall once more, his eyes holding mine from across the room. Keeping eye contact the entire time, I smiled and said, “Yeah... Yeah I am.” Niall smiled and slowly made his way to my bedside. He leaned down and gently pressed his soft, lush lips on mine, sending warmth through my whole body. When he pulled away and stared into my eyes, that’s when the thought hit me: Niall gave me that sweatshirt. Without it, I would be dead right now. Niall saved my life.

PUHLEASE comment and tell me what you think!!! :)

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