Andy & Felicia

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Yay another update! I have been sooooo excited to upload this one! I hope you don't hate me... mwahahaha >:D

Annie’s POV

I was fixated on the lustful, dark blue glint in Niall’s eyes. He slowly leaned forward and pressed his plush lips against my neck. He began to suck and nibble on my skin. Another moan threatened to escape my lips when his phone began to buzz in his pocket. He groaned and pulled it out.

“It’s Harry,” he said before answering it. “Hello?” Silence.

“Yeah... Really? When’s she coming?”

I wondered who they could possibly be talking about. Who is this ‘she’ that’s coming?

“Why not?” His face looked shocked yet confused. He sighed once more. “Ok fine. No, I won’t. Bye.”

He pressed the end call button and looked at me with an amused grin on his face.

“Let’s go to my place,” he said. I saw a mischievous sparkle in his eye.

I had a million questions running through my mind at that moment.

“For what? And why are you looking at me like that? Who were you talking about with Harry?”

He just grinned and pulled me off the couch by my wrist. “C’mon, we have someone to meet.”

A minute later we reached the back door of the boys’ house.

“Niall, why are we going in through the back?” He was sneaking through the door with me right behind him as he tried to hold in his laughter. He turned around and put his finger to his mouth, ordering me to be quiet. I rolled my eyes but I couldn’t help but smile at the boy. His bright blue eyes were shining with excitement and his face was red from laughing and smiling so much.

We walked into the basement and found Louis and Liam sitting on the couch. Liam was entranced by the screen on his phone, and didn’t even bother looking up at us when we entered. His cast-covered leg was propped up on the ottoman in front of him. I still felt so bad for him. Louis’ head snapped away from the TV and a huge grin appeared on his face.

“Why hello there,” he said cheerily.

“Is she here yet?” quietly asked Niall.

Before Louis could respond, the doorbell rang.

“Can someone please explain what’s going on here?” I whispered. Honestly I was getting annoyed when Niall wouldn’t tell me who we were meeting.

Niall sighed and kissed my nose. “You’re so cute when you’re frustrated,” he chuckled.

Upstairs, we heard footsteps followed by Harry’s voice. I couldn’t tell what he was saying. Niall must have had the same problem, so he tiptoed to the stairs and sat close to the top. I followed him, both of us peeking over the top stair. I felt guilty eavesdropping like this, but at the same time my curiosity was too strong. My eyes landed on a familiar, tall redhead. Where had I seen her before? She wore a low cut tank top and micro-shorts. Her hair fell perfectly around her shoulders and her eyelashes looked like they stuck out several inches. Despite how fake she looked, she was actually quite pretty.

“Egh,” Niall scoffed. I looked at him as he studied this girl. He looked disgusted.

I looked back and watched Harry as he hugged her and stood back, obviously appreciating her clothing choice.

“Nice to see you again, Felicia,” he said. That’s when it all clicked. I thought back to my cousin’s wedding, remembering how Harry had asked her to dance and managed to walk away with her phone number. The next thing she said surprised me.

“Are they here? And is she here?”

Harry’s face turned to confusion. “Who do you mean?”

“The boys, are they here? I want to meet them!”

“Yeah they’re here,” he confirmed cautiously, “but who do you mean by she?”

“Oh, um, Andy Brooks or whatever her name is.”

Niall’s head whipped around to look at me. My face contorted in confusion and I shrugged at him. We looked back to Harry, waiting for his reply.

“You mean Annie? How do you know about her?” he asked.

“Well I knew she was at my brother’s friends wedding when I went with him, but she was also in a magazine I saw today,” she revealed.

Before Harry could say anything more, Niall stood and pulled me up with him, dragging me to where they stood.

“Actually, yes. She is here. See?” Niall said and pushed me in front of him. What was he doing? I thought he didn’t want Harry to know we were here. It was obvious from Harry’s face that he didn’t want us to be here. His jaw clenched in frustration as he glared at Niall, gritting his teeth.

Felicia inspected me up and down through narrowed eyes. She looked at my face again and smirked sourly. Something was definitely off about her. “Nice to meet you, Andy.”

“Actually it’s Annie. And you’re-”

“Felicia,” she cut me off.

Harry looked pissed. “Niall, can I talk to you for a minute in the kitchen please?” he hissed. Niall nodded and followed him. He’s in trouble, I thought. An awkward silence filled the room. I smiled at Felicia, who stood a few inches above me in her stupid looking heels. Suddenly she spoke in an low, ice cold tone.

“Listen Andy, I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but Harry is with me. I saw those pictures of you two in that magazine. So you better back the fuck off, bitch,” she snapped.

What?! I stared at her through wide eyes in utter shock, my mouth hanging slightly open. She had the nastiest glare plastered on her face. Then as she attempted to walk past me to find Harry in the kitchen, I stopped her. I grabbed her arm and yanked her back violently. Words began to swarm in my mind, and I was just waiting until the right ones came out. Oh no, I’m not going down without a fight, I thought. This bitch is gonna get some. I opened my mouth ready to let my words flow.

“Excuse me, but who the fu-”

“Sorry, girls. Minor problem, but not to worry,” exclaimed Harry as he bounded out of the kitchen, Niall following close behind. I shut my mouth quickly and recomposed myself. “So Felicia, let’s go meet the boys!” His hand fell on the small of her back as he led her toward the stairs. She brushed past me and shot me a dirty look. My right eyebrow twitched into an arch as my gaze followed her. Niall grabbed my hand and tried to pull me along, but my feet were cemented to the ground. He looked at my with a concerned face.

“Babe, you coming?”

UGH!!!!! I HATE FELICIA!!! But I had to do it! Please comment and tell me everything you thought! Were you surprised? Who did you think it was gonna be? Tell meh!! Thanks :) And vote of course, lovelies.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2012 ⏰

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