Chapter 19: Kori and Mariah, Nash, Hayes, and Ryder

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* Mariah's POV *

I can't believe I get to stay the whole weekend at Mariah's house. I hope we talk about boys and watch a whole bunch of movies. That is what I would call I good weekend. Yet, so far we haven't really done anything. I learned since somebod'y parents went through a divorce. You need to give them some time.

When I get into the house, the first thing we do is go and talk about boys. I said, "Who do you like? Besides Nash and Hayes." Then Kori said, "Well, I think you don't know him but anyways. It is the boy Tyler in my class." Then I smile and say, "Oh, he's cute, funny, and nice. F.Y.I he is coming to Ryder's party." Then her smile widens and is huge. She starts doing her happy dance and has me join with her.

After, her happy dance is done she gets serious again. Then she say, "Now, who do you like?" I answer back, "It is Logan. He is in your grade," she looks at me like which one, "His last name is Tinnes." Then she says, "Oh, how good for you. I barely know him and he seems like a jerk. No offense to you but to me." I shake my head and that is all I need to do for her to understand.

* Kori's POV *

I love that she likes Logan but I think he is a complete jerk. I wasn't trying to be mean about it. I could tell that she took it the wrong way. Her eyes started to fill with tears and they quickly left her eyes. Then she stopped and gave me her sorry about that look.

Now, we go to the theater room and watch movies. The first one we watch is Finding Nemo. Finding Nemo was my choice. Mariah's was The Hangover. So, I asked my mom if we could watch The Hangover. Still she said her same answer yes. Then I went and told Mariah, "She said we can watch it after Finding Nemo. Then she nodded her head.

* Hayes's POV *

 I am with my little man Ryder while Nash goes and picks up the pizza. Ryder and I are playing on my Ipad Air to pass time. We are playing air hockey. It is fun even though I think Ryder is better than me at it. It makes me mad that he is turning three and he is better than a 19 year old. 

Then Nash comes in before Ryder beats me again. We eat our pizza and I ask, "Nash what took so long to get the pizza?" "One of the waitresses accidently bumped into me and the pizza fell onto the floor. So she bought me a new one." Then I nod at his comment.

* Nash's POV *

I left to get some pizza for supper. I bought 3 meat because of Ryder. When I am about to walk out the door one of the waitresses accidently bumps into me. Then she says, "Oh my God. I am so sorry here I'll buy you a new one." Then I nod my head and have to wait for another pizza to be made. It was finally came out and I went to my car and drove off to the house.

In the car my jam came on and I was barely watching the rode and I got pulled over by the cops. This is just great I thought to myself. They give me a ticket with a fine of 20,000 dollars. That made me mad. So I just kept on driving to Ang's house.

Skips rest of car ride......

 I get inside of the house and we start eating the 3 meat pizza. We are talking while eating it. So it is all good. Then Ryder pipes in, "I beat Hayes at air hockey on his I pad." Then I looked at Hayes questioningly and he nods his head yes. It is true. Then I start laughing with Hayes and then I realise if Ryder can beat Hayes at that game he can beat me. That is a scary thought.

When we get done eating we wash the dishes or else we get beat by Matt. Then we go and watch a movie in the theatre room. We decided to watch The Vow. Even though it would be a movie Ang would watch. When that is done we all go to bed and sleep. None of us wake up until the early morning.










Then I wake up Hayes and yell at him about the party. Then he pops up and calls Matt.


Author's Note

Hey Lovelys, I hope you enjoy and I didn't know what I was doing at the end of the book so just bare with it.  I had a brain fart. Or something like that. Please comment and vote. It would mean a lot and if you tell your friends to read this it would mean a lot to me. Thank yous.

Follow me on twitter: @sjewelskiSarah. Then on Tumblr COALS7things and on keek Sarah_Jewel


Your Bae Sarah 

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