Chapter 22: Graduation Part Two

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* Hayes's POV *

I am really proud of Mariah. She is now dating my brother and she is funny and perfect for him. I am glad that Logan finally broke up with her. She seemed really happy when he did that. I wonder why, I don't know.

* Flashback *

My girlfriend broke up with me because she thought I was cheating on her. I cried for days. Then Mariah came into my room. I don't know how she got in though my door was locked. Then she said, What is wrong? You can't always cry about her. It is her loss for breaking up with you. You are a great guy and you will find out who you love sooner or later. You know that right." I shook my head yes and answered, "Yeah well Iiked her a lot. and she was one of a kind. How am i gonna find someone like that?" She shrugged her shoulders. When she did that I saw how beautiful she was and leaned in to kiss her. She kissed back and I looked up at her shocked that she kissed back. Then we said at the same time, "Don't tell anyone about this ever. Deal!!" Then we smiled and laughed and I came out of my room. Everyone was shocked that she got me out of my bedroom. Then They smiled and gave me a big group hug that lasted about ten minutes. The longest one I was ever in before.

* End of Flashback *

I still remember her kiss and how good it felt on my lips and how it made me feel. I wonder if she still remembers it. Probably not but I know her and she hasn't fogotten about it.

* Matt's POV *

"Mariah, I'm happy that you are dating Nash but he is a little to old for you. I totally agree that you guys can be together but what if he does something to you. You will never be able to date anyone ever again if he did." She answered back, "It probably won't be as bad as what Logan did to me. He cheated on me and I had to live with it for a long time. Then he finally broke up with me and I didn't know what to do. So I went to the one person who I have loved for a long time. Can you not respect my choices? If I get hurt it is my fault for making that choice and nobody else will get blamed."

* Flashback *

I remember the time I took her to Magcon NYC or the Big Apple. She got to meet all of the members of Magcon. She was happy, happy, happy. She was about to turn 10 at the time. I told her, "You better stick by my side no matter what now." She nodded her head and gave me her look of I will do that. I understand when she gives you a certain look she will respect that. Even though she will forget soon. I don't blame her for it, she gets it from me.

When we get to the hotel she freaks when she sees Carter and Jacob.Then she gives Mahogany a hug and says, "I missed you second mom." Mahogany smiles and responds, "I missed you too, buttercup." They both smile and then Mariah goes and sits by Nash and Hayes. They give her a hug and kiss on the forehead.

Then we go to the movie theater and Mariah typical Mariah says, Let's watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre." Then everybody gives her a strange look and she says, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Then Jacob and Carter say, "Well to start off you are ten. You shouldn't be watching those type of movies. If you don't get scared by them there is something wrong with you. And your parents let you watch these movies." "No my parents do not let me watch these movies. I tell them that we are watching it or else. They still haven't found out what the or else is. And Mahogany watched a scary movie when I was with her last month." Then everybody looks at me like what is wrong with you. I say, "Oh I don't know only that last year some boy made her mad and she broke one of his legs and an arm. This is the reason why I'm scared of her. Wait, the boy was in high school. I don't think he is going to treat another girl or do that ever again." Everyone looks at me like I totally feel the same way now. Then I notice that Mariah isn't here anymore. I start putting on my panic face and say, "Where is Mariah???" They look around and start searching. We search around for three hours. The she comes out of the theatre for Texas Chainsaw Massacre with Mahogany and Jacob. Then relief floods over my face. Then I say, " Where have you been? I have been looking for you for three hours. I mean everyone was." Then she looks at the theatre room she just came out of and started smiling.

Then we had to watch the whole with her. That was her second time watching it that day. She stook by Hayes and Aaron the wimps in her words. They were hugging her the whole movie and it was hilarious how scared they were. I am pretty sure they would want her to stay in their room since they stay in the same room. So, it is all good for us, right now. It is her fault for giving everyone nightmares tonight.  

When we get back to the hotel, Jack and Jack, Carter, Hayes, Aaron, Nash, Cameron, and well everyone but me. She gets to stay up with them the whole night if they stay up that long. They will probably crash at any time though. I know them that well but, Mariah will have to stay up until they all go to sleep. This is her payback. I guess.

* In the morning *

A tired Mariah  comes out of Hayes and Aaron's room followed by all of the boys except for Jacob and Mahogany. They weren't scared either. Then Jacob picked up Mariah and brought her to his room and set her down on his bed. Then he left and said, "Holy, she fell asleep right as her head touched the pillow." Then Taylor and Hayes say at the same time, "It was sort of our fault. We were really scared that Leatherface would come and get us in the middle of the...." Then the sentence is interrupted by a scream. We all look around and assume that it was in the floor below us. Then we hear it again, so Jacob runs to his room to see if it was Mariah who screamed. He came out with a look on his face that I couldn't describe to myself. Then Nash breaks the silence, "What is wrong, Jacob?" He answers, "She isn't in there. The window is open and all of the blankets and stuff a ripped off the bed. I think she was kidnapped and don't any of you break down. You know she wouldn't want you to do that. Stay strong that is what she would have said if one of us were kidnapped or disappeared." Then everyone nods there head.

I call the police and report a missing child. I really hope she will be ok. I rememberr her saying to her mom when Ryder went missing in the mall. "Don't be afraid he will show up. There is always hope that he will turn up in like a minute." That brought a tearr to my eye. She could always be strong no matter the situation.

The police call and ask, "Can we have a description of, Mariah?" Nash and Cameron say, "She has brown hair and some blue on the left side of her head. She has different colored eyes. We mean like they change color but they are usually green or blue. She has sort of tanner skin or indian like. Uhmm... Anything else you'd like to know." "Yes there is. What does she like to do, watch, be at? That would be a really big  help and what is she like. Her personalitity, character." Jacob says, "She likes the movie theater and scary movies. She likes anywhere she can be active or help people in the world. Her character can change very much. She is usually calm, brave, strong-willed, caring, helpful, loud like Taylor. When she is mad or scared she will turn into this devil child  or is preparedto hurt anyone who hurts her. She is very different." "Thank you for the description and ect.," the police say. Then we hang up.

Everyone seems really out of it since she was stolen. I thas only been what like three hours since it happened. We all miss her and love her. Nash and Taylor seem really out of it. They have been blaming it on themselves. They think it was their fault that she got stolen. Taylor misses his mini girl version of him. That sounds about right though.


Author's Note

Hey flamingos, I will change what I call you a lot. I am like that I like change and am different. Anyways, sorry it took a long time to update. This is gonna be a long flashback F.Y.I. It will change POVs too. It will be like Mariah to Jacob to Cameron to Nash and so on and so forth. I did get better from my ear and nose infection. I was gonna update earlier today but I was ouitside in the sun driving golf carts, razors, rangers, fourwheelers, dirtbikes, pickups, cars, motorcycles. Then I was playing basketball, volleyball, and football with guys that are 30 years old or older. It was really fun teaching them volleyball. Hope you have a happy Memorial Weekend. SO far I have and Don''t get hurt or use drugs cause I feel like I am using drugs but I'm not. Oh and the driving the cars I shouldn't because I'm 13 not 15 or 16. So yeah... Tomorrow I'm going to be in the woods all day pretty much. I'm surprised I haven't burnt yet. That is what I have been doing the past today.


Your Bae Sarah

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