Chapter 14: Hospital

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*Shawn's POV*

I am really worried about Matt he hasn't stopped crying since he was kicked out of the hospital room. He has been pacing back and forth like a frantic chicken. The doctor came out with the news, "Angie's going to go through 3 different surgeries and if we don't do them she could die." That made me worry about Matt even more cause now he is pacing back and forth like a frantic chicken with it's head cut off.

*Jewel's POV*

I can't help but start crying once I hear the word die. I lean into Shawn's arm and cry on his shoulder. She is my best friend she can't die, she was like the sister I never had. Why couldn't it be me she wasn't meant to be in the car crash. She was meant to live a long happy life with out any harm. Her friends weren't supposed to be told that she is more than likely gonna die. We were supposed to get the good news that she will live without needing any surgeries that her life depend on. She was supposed to die old not young. 

So, at that very moment I was praying to God to not let her die. To keep her alive so she could live a long happy life with Matt and her kids. She can't die like this. She can't leave the world. She has a career a head of her. She has to meet her grandchildren in the future. She just can't leave like this. I know inside she is fighting really hard for her life. You just can't take it away from her like that.

I can't stop thinking about how short her life would be if she just died. That would kill me inside if she died I just can't think about it any more it is to hard to think about. Then I collapsed. I couldn't take it anymore.

*Matt's POV*

I can't help that I'm so shooken up by being in the hospital about Ang. I can't believe she might die. Then I just started crying even more. Then Jewel collapsed for some reason and now she is in a hospital room. She is still remaining unconscious which is really bad because she has been this way for 2 hours. This is really worrying Shawn.

I have Ang to worry about though not Jewel. I'mstill  worried about Jewel though but Ang is gonna come first. This is all happening to fast. I get back and first thing you know your wife is in the hospital on the verge of dying. Then your wife's best friend collapses and isn't responding to any thing not even coffee and that is saying something.

A/N: I know kinda of a short chapter. Sorry, for leaving you at a cliff hanger but you will find out what will happen. Here is a question you guys can answer for me.

What will happen to Ang?  The other one is: What will happen to Jewel?

Comment below and follow me on twitter @sjewelskisarah.

If you answer the questions that is what will happen. 

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