Chapter 21: Graduation Part One

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A/N: I know i skipped ahead some years but bare with me. It is a little confusing but I'm like that and I'm a little loopy you could say right now. So I will put a lot of flashbacks for Mariah and Ryder. So it will be a sort of longer chapter.


* Angie's POV *

I can't believe two years ago Kori graduated and now it is Mariah's turn to. I can't help but remember Kori and Mariah going on the vacation.

* Flashback *

 "Mom, what do you want me to bring on vacation," she asked in curiosity. I answered back, "Bring tons of shorts and tank tops, dresses, sandals, a pair of jogging pants, a sweat shirt, a hat, skirts, t-shirts. The usual for Hawaii." Then she nodded and ran back up the steps to her bedroom. Then she called, "Mom, can you come and help me?" I yelled, "Coming M.

I ran up the stairs and asked, "How is Kori? I haven't seen her in a long time." 

She answered, "She is doing fine. She is just grounded but she can still go on vacation with us. So can Logan and Tyler. Why? Their parents are on a business trip and they won't be back until after spring break.

"Well you are such a great person for asking them if they want to come with."

"Thank you, Mom. I love you and so do they. They think of you as a second mom. You know that."

"No I didn't know that. I think of them as my kids and I love them too."

"Good, I can't believe Logan is turning 15 while we're there."

"He is I can't believe that. I guess we need to buy him a cake while we're there. Huh."

Yes, you do mom. He is also my boyfriend now too. We started dating last week. No we will not kiss or do stuff like that. Just hold hands and hugs."

"Well congrats and good for you."

Then we stop talking and we pack up her stuff. I put in five dresses and three skirts. Then she puts in a couple  of short shorts wioth the ripps on them. Then we pack some of her tank tops and t shirts. She put her Nash Grier sweat shirt in the suit case and her dad's beanie. Then she put in Taylor's sweat pants. Then she was done so I asked, "Do you want to help me with Ryder's, your dad's, Nash's, Hayes's, Shawn's, Taylor's, Aaron's, and the rest of the people that live in this house. She nodded and ran into Logan's room and started packing for him so I went and helped her and we did everyone else's suit case after Logan's. It took like 6 hours but who cares. They wouldn't have done it until and hour before we leave and then we would be late.

The day before we leave, we have a little party. Well I mean movie party at least. Kori and Mariah say at the same time, "Let's watch The Grudge!!!" Then Hayes yells, "No way do you want to stay up until five in the morning tonight." They said back, "Sure thang, wimp." Then they start fighting and everyone agrees on watching The Grudge. The whole time Hayes was under the blanket that he was sharing with M, K, Logan, and Tyler. We took some videos of that and then Mariah screamed and he jumped out from underneath the blanket. Then he went to his room and didn't come out until the movie was done. It was surprisingly good. 

When the movie is done Hayes came out of his room and everyone was laughing at him. I wasn't trying to be mean but it was funny. Then everyone went to sleep and I stayed up because I couldn't go to bed. It was bad so when the alarm went off. I fell asleep until Matt hit me with a pillow. Then he said, "Wake up everyone I'll start making breakfast." I nodded and got dressed and then I yelled, "Everyone better wake up now or face the consequenses." Then I heard people jump off their bed and get there clothes on or take a shower. They usually take a shower first though.

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