Part 3/ Fire and Rainbows

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"Hey Glossaryk," Star called for her instructor.

The pages of her spell book began to turn swiftly and a small, blue monk bolted up. His arms were open wide and then positioned his hands as if he were praying.
Glossaryk bowed and sat with his legs cross crossed.

"I'm here, my lady. You're life just got better," Glossaryk greeted.

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you," Star began. "Do you ever think there are alternate dimensions out there? Like the same person, but it's your opposite self."

"Star, there are millions of dimensions out there. But of course, if we're to talk about the Reverse dimension, then we should stop talking about it because it can be quite dangerous," Glossayk warned.

The word "dangerous" sent a rush of excitement through Star and she grew curious. She snaked her way towards Glossaryk and gave him a sly smirk.

"Tell me more," Star whispered.

"Oh see, I already got your curious head running. Never mind, Star. We'll talk about this," Glossaryk thought for a moment. "Never."

"Whoa what?" Star gasped.

"It's for your own good."

Star glared at Glossaryk. "Glossaryk, if you don't tell me anything about this Reverse Dimension, we are no longer friends!"

Glossaryk shrugged and lied down on his chapter of the book. The pages turned swiftly once more and it was finally shut.


Glossaryk bursts out of the book and flew right by Star's ear. He began to pant and was actually pretty worried about his limited pudding.

"Okay, slow you're role, Princess," Glossaryk huffed out. "I'll tell you what you want to hear."

"Great. Let's start off by the fact why it's dangerous."

"Oh, it's not dangerous. I just said that so you don't go off doing something you regret!"


Star's face turned red and she grabbed her wand from her white dresser. Was Glossaryk underestimating her too? Star was stubborn, but she was blinded the fact of how much trouble she can put herself and other people through. Oblivious to any consequences, she decided to go to that dimension.

"What do you think you're doing?" Glossaryk asked.

"I'm going to that alternate dimension," Star grabbed her pair of dimension scissors. "And hopefully find a better monk than you!"

Star sliced through midair and a tear appeared, floating alone. A portal opened, leading to Echo Creek Academy and she stepped inside. The portal flashed when she stepped foot to the other side. Glossaryk sighed and decided to sleep in his chapter of the book while Star was gone.

Dimension R3\/3R$3D

Star looked at her school. It was exactly the same as hers and she began to have disbelief she had traveled to the alternate dimension.

"This looks exactly like my school," Star said to herself, disappointed.

She began to study her surroundings and the dismissal bell rang. A flood of students came running out of the school. Star's attention was fully focused in a girl in a pink dress. She walked a bit closer and studied the familiar face: Janna.

"Janna never wears pink," Star made a face. " Then again, that is her favorite color."

Star trotted across the the street and met up with Janna on the other side. The princess lightly tapped on her shoulder and Janna turned around, her skirt twirling with her.

"Whoa, you change fast, Star," Janna pointed out.

"Change? So you do know my name!" Star smiled. "Wow, so weird seeing you in a pink outfit and not in your usual gray appearance."

"What are you talking about? We met at lunch. And I always wear pink to school," Janna was just as confused as Star was.

"Um okay," Star took a step back and felt a body behind her.

Star turned around and took a good look at Marco. He wasn't in his usual red sweater attire with the most perfect brown hair. He was wearing a red beanie and an awful lot of leather, making himself look like a biker boy. He had a bandaid on the side of his cheek and his hair was a little messy.

The princess felt her heart race and she began to blush furiously at his new appearance. She stared into his mysterious, brown eyes and it made her knees weak.

"Marco, what happened?" Star swooned.

"Why are you here?" Marco spat and jerked his shoulder against Star's arm.

Star rubbed her arm and glared at his back, "You're even worse in this dimension."

Marco turned around with his hands crossed in front of him. "What'd you say, Butterfly?"

"I said you're the worst!" Star blew a raspberry at her opposite boyfriend.

Marco walked towards her, "Do you want to settle this with a fight because if you didn't notice, Miss Princess Bubblegum Twat, I give a good beating."


Star whipped out her wand. A bright pink aura surrounded its head, glowing brightly.
Marco panicked when he laid eyes with the glowing wand and took a step back, but it was too late.

"SPLATTER CAKE BATTER BLAST!" Star jumped and shouted.

A load of smashed vanilla cake and pink frosting with rainbow sprinkles came shooting out of the wand. It got into Marco's face until his whole body was stuck into a sticky mess of cake batter. Star smirked and saw Marco wipe down the batter off his face. There was still pink frosting on his hair and chin. He even spat out some rainbow sprinkles out of his mouth.

"How about that?" Star said with her sassy mouth.

"What are you?" Marco asked.

"I'm a magical princess," Star waved her wand above her head. A rainbow appeared and tiny bunnies came sliding down from the top to the bottom. "From another dimension!"

All the little critters in the small rainbow giggled and Marco watched in amazement. "Can you make it burn?"

"Wait for it," Star smiled.

Soon, flames roared on top of the rainbow and the bunnies came screaming their heads off with their tiny voices. They scattered off and to the lawn.

"Cool," Marco whispered to himself.

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