Part 9/ Roller Skates and Bruises

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"Why are you still here?" Marco snarled.

"What's your problem? I was just about to go home anyway," Star replied.


"You know, I liked the other you better. He was nicer and he watched over me. He was such a gentleman, but who am I to say since you probably don't know what that even means," she spat back.

It was true. Alternate Star was beginning to develop feelings for Marco. Whenever he was around, she felt safe and secure. His alternate self was a selfish and rude boy and was completely bothersome.

"Yeah yeah. And I liked the other you better. I don't need her anymore," Marco smirked.

"That was a bit harsh," Star tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, but I've got this," Marco pulled out Star's wand.

Star's wand was no longer purple with angelic wings and a half broken, gold star. It transformed to a maroon color and the star on its head was black as night. Marco gasped and admired the new look.

"Marco!" Star gasped and charged at the wand.

Marco fell onto the ground with Star on top of him. He began blushing furiously, but Star didn't notice for she was busy reaching for the wand. His arm extended further as he kept dodging Star's reach.

"Um, you're on top of me," Marco pointed out.

Star stopped and her eyes widened. She jumped off of Marco and dusted herself off. She patted down her silky, blue dress and parted her soft hair.

"That doesn't belong to you," she stated.

"I know. What are you gonna do? Jump on me again?" Marco smirked.

Star looked away with her arms crossed, "I'm going home. Just so you know, Marco, you won't get away with this."

"Would it change your mind if," Marco waved his wand in the air.

A black swirl of magic twisted around both his and Star's ankles. Star shrieked and looked down at her legs. She had red roller skates on and Marco moved closer to her, strapped his helmet under his chin.

"We go roller skating to your house?" Marco moved behind Star and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Marco, what are you doing? I don't think this is-"

Star held on Marco's arms as he pushed themselves down the hill and they began skating downward. Star couldn't stop screaming on their way down, but Marco looked like he was having a good time. She struggled to keep her balance as the wheels kept turning in all sorts of directions, but Marco held onto her tight and made her she wouldn't fall. He took control and after awhile, Star had gotten used to the skating pattern.

The wheels dragged along the street like chalk on a board. The wind blew Star's hair back and she felt relieved as the breeze blew gently on her face. She closed her eyes and stopped skating, allowing Marco to hold her as they continued to skate forward.

"STAR LOOK OUT!" Marco yelled.

Star shot her eyes open and the last glimpse she saw before falling on her knee was Jackie Lynn Thomas on her skateboard. The three of them crash together, knocking each other off opposite directions. Once again, Star fell on top of Marco and Jackie landed on her bottom. Jackie got up from the ground with her skateboard and walked to the both of them.

"Watch where you're going!" Jackie spat.

Marco tried getting himself up, but winced at the pain on his elbow. "Piss off, Jackie. You know you saw us coming, you blind witch."

Jackie rolled her eyes and got back on her board, "If I have to run into you two again, I swear I'll run both your heads with my wheels."

Marco tried getting up and was about to chase Jackie, his fists already clenched. He felt a gentle touch on his shoulder as he was pulled back.

"Don't. She's not worth it," Star tried convincing.

Marco sucked on his breath and rubbed his knee. Star looked over and saw Marco's knee oozing blood from an open cut. She flinched, but immediately untied her ribbons. She tied it around the cut and tightened it so blood won't deep through. As she fixed him up, Marco tried sneaking a few glances at Star.

"Um thanks?" Marco said unsure.

Star lend out her hand as she helped her friend back on his feet. Marco whipped out his wand and whirled in the air, causing the helmets on their heads and the skates on their feet to disappear.

"I'll take you home. Can you walk on your own?" Star asked.

Marco stared at Star and noticed her hair was wavy and bouncy without the ribbons. He began to stare far too long and got himself lost in his thoughts. He couldn't hear Star's voice calling to him until she yelled out his name.

"MARCO!" she screamed.

Marco shook his head, "What?"

"Can you walk?" Star repeated her question.

"Yeah," he replied and began to limp.

Star sighed and pulled Marco's arm around her neck. She held him by side as the two walked their way on the sidewalk. Marco was nearly hopping on one foot and tried to risk walking on his sore leg, but almost fell a few times.

"Don't push yourself," Star told him. "You'll make it home, I promise."

Star Vs The Forces of Evil: Royal And ReversedWhere stories live. Discover now