Part 12/ Bashed Bodies

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Alternative Marco shot a rainbow fist punch at the real Star Butterfly. She flew back and crashed onto a brick wall. Marco, in his casual red hoodie, ran to his girlfriend and cradled her in his arms. He noticed her bruised up face and her heart cheeks were scratched. Marco, with the black leather jacket, marched up to the couple and looked down at them, feeling almighty.

"What did you do to Star?" Marco cried.

He attacked his opposite self, both of them wrestling on the ground. The wand flew out of Alternate Marco's hands and rolled on the grass. The two Marcos threw punches back and forth like bullets being shot out of a gun. Star, with golden curled pigtails, retrieved the wand and held it before her. She pointed at both Marcos and the two opposites stopped their wrestling match.

"Give me the wand!" Alternate Marco commanded as he shoved down his opposite self on the ground.

The golden haired girl didn't move a muscle, but her eyes were furiously shooting back and forth towards both Marcos. She was aiming at the one with the leather jacket.

"I'm sorry!" She cried.

An explosion of a narwhal blast came striking down at the two opposites. Their bodies flew in the air, along with the narwhals. In a second, their bodies came crashing back down on cement. Two puddles of oozing blood collided, creating a lake size of thick, red liquid. Yes, the two Marcos were dead, lying coldly on the pavement. The Star with the golden curls was now sobbing, being the cause of murder for two boys. She covered her mouth in awe and ran to the real Star Butterfly, the princess. Star was unconscious for awhile, but when she awoke, her head felt as if it was going around on a carousel. Her vision was blurry and was to confuse to see her opposite self cry right in front of her dumbfounded face.

"What?" Star helps her spinning head, "What's happening?"

"I'm sorry," Alternate Star whispered in her sob.

The princess ignored her headache and jumped up as soon as she saw Marco bleeding in the ground. She ran to him with her heart skipping beats. Like Marco had done before, Star cradled her best friend in her arms, the blood now staining on her pale skin and now sleeping into her dress. She was indeed still in great, wincing pain, but she couldn't feel anything now that Marco was lying dead in her arms.

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"Mom," Star cried, carrying Marco on her arms like a baby.

The Queen saw her helpless daughter stand in the doorway entrance to the palace. From afar, she could tell her eyes dried out from crying, making her look tired. Star's mother ran up to her, being careful not to fall in her glass heels and trip on her long, blue gown.

Moon stared at Marco's dead body and studied how motionless he was and all the blood that's tricking down to the marble flooring. Like her daughter, she began to tear up and her her hands gently touched his innocent face.

The Queen could feel a presence approaching from behind. Lekmet, the goat, in his fine brown robe and sharped horns, he walked towards Star and the corpse. The kind hearted goat gestured for the princess to place Marco on the marble tiles. When she stepped away from the corpse, Lekmet placed his front hooves on Marco's head. A glowing, golden orb followed the movement from the head to Marco's toes. The scratches and purple bruises on his face fainted back to his normal tanned skin. His clothes were clean again from all the blood oozing out of his body. His wounds underneath his sweatshirt were stitched up and healed.

Marco's legs twitched and his eyes slowly opened. His upper body flew forward like walking up from a nightmare and then he was tackled on the ground again. Surrounded in comforting arms, Star revealed herself and was uncontrollably smiling.

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