Part 5/ A Butterfly Night

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Dimension R3\/3R$3D

"What are you doing here?" Marco sounded furious.

"I'm having fun with my new friend Marco number two," Star responded childishly. "What are YOU doing here?"

"I was looking for you everywhere! Come on," Marco grabbed Star's arm.

When she pulled away from his grip, Marco felt his heart sink. He looked at her angry, blue eyes and knew she didn't want to go home. He was confused and a bit hurt. Alternate Marco stepped in front of him, pushing him backwards and away from Star.

"She doesn't want to go with you, dude. She clearly likes it here," Alternate Marco snickered.

"Star?" Marco shifted his tearing, brown eyes at his girlfriend.

Star kept quiet, but she wanted to say something. She didn't like the fact that her actual boyfriend is quite overprotective of her and thinks she's a naive teenager. She likes doing things on her own and doing the crazy things she does would have been better with him. Since Marco didn't want to go on adventures with her anymore, she thought Marco number two would appreciate her a little more. And he did.

The Bad Boy seemed so interested in Star's wand and her awesome magic. He was fascinated with her magic spells and the narwhal blasts and the fire rainbows. And Star was also having a lot of fun with him.

But she was torn.

"Marco, I," Star stammered.

"You don't need to explain yourself," Marco wiped his tear with his red sweater sleeve. He turned around and started walking back inside the house. "If you ever decide to come back..."

Marco didn't need to finish his sentence for he had a feeling Star didn't want to come back. She wanted to stay with Alternate Marco with his cool leather jacket. All he wanted was to protect her and keep her safe.

He disappeared out of Star's sight and it was her turn to cry. Alternate Marco put his arm around Star and patted her shoulder, but his eyes aimed for the wand she held tightly.

"There, there," Marco comforted.


The Safe Kid trudged along the sidewalk with his red hood over his head. His head was hanging low and his feet accidentally kicked a box in front of him. He looked up and saw a red pick up truck parked on the driveway. There were loads of boxes on the pavement and more in the back of the truck.

There was a man in a blue plaid shirt, short like an elf, but had a well groomed blonde beard, stacking up boxes. Marco saw him bend down and carry the stack up, but it toppled down. There was the terrifying sound of glass shattering in one of the boxes and the man cursed under his breath.

"My wife is going to kill me," the man with the long, blonde beard mumbled.

Marco went to retrieve one of the boxes and handed it to the man.

"Oh. Thank you," the man said.

"River," Marco thought.

"Do you need some help?" Marco offered and he picked up another box.

"You're too kind. Follow me," he said.

River led the way and Marco was right behind him. They entered the house through garage and the sweet scent of chocolate chip cookies filled the air. Marco sighed longingly at the smell and he sat the box with the others.

A woman with pale skin and long, cotton candy blue hair turned to Marco. Her eyes were like blue crystals and she gave him a smile. Moon.

"Well, hello!" Moon greeted.

"Hi, I'm just here to help you carry boxes. I think," Marco answered.

"How nice of you! Would you like a cookie?" Moon offered.

Marco gazed at the plate of soft cookies set on the kitchen counter. He smiled to himself as he reached for one and took a bite. Warm, soft, and gooey. The flavor melted in his mouth and he loved the sweet taste.

"You can have more if you like," Moon insisted.

She popped the oven open and pulled out a tray with fresh, hot cookies. She poured all of them on the plate and Marco nearly drooled.

"Thank you, but no thank you. You must be new here," Marco said with his mouth full.

Moon nodded, "Yes. My name is Moon Butterfly. And you are?"


A sweet, soft, and familiar voice called from across the kitchen. Marco turned around and knew who it would be, but wasn't exactly at all as he expected it to be. It was Star, alternate Star.

Marco blushed slightly at the look of her. She looked adorable in her new blue dress and her hair looked flawless in those red ribbons. Her ocean blue eyes were filled with kindness and such innocence.

"Star?" He whispered to himself.

"Wow, you changed your clothes," Star walked into the kitchen. "Mom, this is Marco. The boy I was telling you about. Ms. Skeeves said he will be my guide throughout the school."

"I am?" Marco questioned. "I mean, I am! Yes. Marco Diaz, part time guide guy."

The garage door squeaked as it closed shut and River entered the kitchen. He had finished unpacking the trunk and it was time to unpack the boxes. He was exhausted and River sat at the kitchen table to rest.

"River, this boy is Marco. He is Star's guide in school," Moon told her husband as she poured him a glass of water.

"Nice to meet you. Please take care of my daughter at school," River said.

"Dad," Star whined. She turned to Marco and asked, "What brings you around?"

"Well," Marco had to make an excuse. He wanted to get his Star Butterfly back out of this dimension and there was no way he was going to leave her here. He didn't want her to be put in danger with his alternate self, getting into more dangerous situations.

"I was looking for my best friend," Marco responded shyly. "I don't know where she is and I kind of went a long way."

"Poor thing," Moon tilted her head. "We should call the police."

"Don't do that, please. We know they won't do as much at these kind of situations. We should at least wait twenty four hours."

"You can sleepover here if you want and then tomorrow we can find your best friend!" Star perked up.

"You did come a long way. Since you are my daughter's guide in school, you are welcome to stay over. Just don't fool around," River mumbled the last part to himself.

Marco shook his head, "Oh no, sir. There won't be any of that."

"Come on," Star grabbed Marco's wrist. "I'll show you to your room for the night."

Star tugged on Marco's sweater and the two of them raced up the stairs. She led him to a room with just a bed. It was already covered in clean, white sheets and two comfy pillows. It wasn't much, but it was enough to satisfy Marco. Besides, the family just moved in the neighborhood.

"It's not much but," Star's voice trailed off.

"This is fine. Thank you," Marco smiled at her.

"Hey, you're not that bad," Star lightly punched his arm.

Marco smiled boyishly as he rubbed his arm. He was flattered with this alternate Star. She was so calm and content with almost everything, but he didn't feel any affection towards her unlike his Star Butterfly. Marco began to think about his girlfriend even if she was standing in front of him, that wasn't her. His heart ached and before he could start to cry, he stepped further into the room.

"If you need anything, my room is next door!" She flashed a smile and left.

What he need was his Star Butterfly.

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