Part 10/ Stone Cold

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Dimension Earth

Marco and Star spend the whole day separated in their bedrooms. Star kept thinking about the kiss with Alternate Marco and to her surprise, she didn't feel any affection towards it. She didn't know how to react to it and thought it was okay because it was still Marco, but a part of her made her believe it was wrong.

Marco couldn't help but to think if his relationship with Star was strained. He convinced himself she wasn't interested in him anymore and they should clearly see other people. All she did was kiss his opposite self, but why did it hurt so much? His mind was occupied with so many thoughts of her, he began to fill up with anxiety every time Star came to mind.

The skies turned dark except for the moon and the stars. The moon, however, was different that night. It's red light crept its way through Star and Marco's bedroom window. They both followed the glowing light and looked up at the sky to see the blood moon. Although the couple knew what the signs were, they still felt that uneasy feeling in their stomach.


Star knock on Marco's door cradling a nacho bowl and two burritos in her arms. Her burrito, of course, was covered in sugar. Marco answered the door and looked at her with tired eyes that cried all day. He was relieved to see Star at his door, but at the same time, he had wished she'd go away.

"Hi Marco," Star tried to stay positive. "I made you some food."

Star handed him the nachos and his burrito and Marco set them aside on top of his desktop in his room.

"Thanks," he mumbled and his tired eyes shifted back in his room as he tried closing the door on her.

"Wait!" Star pushed back the door open gently. "I wanted to say that I'm sorry I kissed you... Well, the opposite you. I know you're hurt and trust me, it did feel wrong kissing someone else other than you. Even if it was your opposite self."

Marco gave her a soft smile and gave her a peck on the cheek, "You're forgiven."

Star blushed and Marco took her hand and led her inside his room. They ate their late dinner in bed while they watched the blood moon slowly turn from a bright red to its usual white glow.

Dimension R3\/3R$3D

Star Butterfly walked down the school hallway with her head held high. She arrives at school ten minutes early to get extra help in math, her moth frustrating subject of all. The halls were quite empty until she heard a noise that seemed to scrape the floors like a pencil on paper.
Her eyes focused straight ahead and Jackie Lynn Thomas who was riding on her skateboard, turned to the hallway Star was walking in. When skated by, Jackie swung her arm at Star, causing her to jump back and her books flying everywhere.

"You know there is a word called sorry," Star accidentally spat while she bent down to collect her books.

Jackie's skateboard wheels screeched as she whipped around and unlatched her helmet from her head. She walked up to Star and flung her helmet at her head.

"Oops, safety first. You might want to watch what you say next time," Jackie warned.

Star stacked her books on top of each other as she stopped to fix her hair and adjust her new blue ribbons. Jackie sneered as she walked up to her again and kicked her books once again. She bent down to grab her helmet and she leaned against the wall, looking down at Star.

"What are you doing to her, Jackie?" Marco growled and started down the hallway.

"Oh look! It's your boyfriend who came to save the day," she taunted back.

"Get out of here and leave her alone."

Jackie puffed up her chest and soon the two of them got close, glaring raging eyes at each other. Marco's first instinct was to punch her in the face, but why would he want to go that easy on Jackie when he's got a magic wand?

"Try me," she threatened.

Marco was fed up and he slid out the wand from his inside pocket of his leather jacket and held it up. Jackie scoffed, thinking it was a dumb princess wand he bought, but her eyes widened with fear when she saw it glow a blue aurora. Her feet were glued to the ground and the last thing she saw was a bright blue laser shooting at her before she was frozen.
Star stood up from the ground and gasped. She turned to Marco and lightly pushed him back angrily.

"What is wrong with you?" Star shouted.

He furrowed his eyebrows," I just saved you and you're angry about it?"

"You didn't have to freeze her!" She crossed her arms.

"WHATEVER! I can do whatever I want this thing. It's my wand now!"

Star rolled her eyes and nudged his shoulder when she headed for class.
"It's not your wand."

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