Part 7/ To Catch A Butterfly

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Dimension Earth

The Diaz household was complete chaos. Police have arrived in front of their house, the red and blue headlights flashing made Angie feel dizzy. She sat on the family couch with Raphael comforting her by her side. They both had worried faces on, but Angie couldn't seem to stop her crying.

One officer took a seat on a love seat and whipped out his notepad. He was ready to take notes while the others searched the house for any clues.

"When was the last time you saw your kids?" He asked.

"Yesterday morning. My husband and I went to work before they got to school," she replied.

"Did you think you're kids were missing when you got home?"

"I thought my kids were out going somewhere, but it got late at night, I began to worry. I contacted Marco and Star, but they both wouldn't answer their calls. We decided not to call to soon and hope for them to come home the next morning, but they didn't," Angie explained.

Suddenly, there was stumbling over the stairs and everyone's head turned to find a spell book rolling down. When it hit the floor, Glossaryk blossomed out of the book with arms wide open.

The officers began to scream and panic. They pulled out their guns and threatened to taser Glossaryk. Raphael shot up from his seat and ran over to the monk, defending him.

"Wait wait! He's harmless," Raphael tried calming them down.

"I know where Marco and Star went," Glossaryk stated.

Dimension R3\/3R$3D

Marco spent the whole morning dragging Alternate Star around the school searching for the real Star. She was nowhere to be found and there was five minutes left until the bell rang.

He decided it was time to tell her mother. Marco knew Star would be infuriated knowing her boyfriend told her mom she had gone missing, but he didn't care. He was worried for Star being alone with his alternate self, probably on some kind of suicide mission.

After math class, Marco decided to ditch school. That's right. The most perfect students with perfect attendance since pre-school was going to ditch the rest of the day. Although, if he were to ditch, he thought it'd be a good idea to bring Alternate Star. He didn't want to her to be left behind, probably what his alternate self did yesterday. Besides, company would be nice.

The bell rang for first lunch and Marco waited for Star to exit out of the classroom. He swiped her out of the doorway, tugging her arm.

"Ow!" Star yelped.

"I really have no time for questions after saying this, but I need to go to another dimension. Do you want to come with me?" Marco blurted.

Star tilted her head like a lost puppy. "What are you-?"

Marco sighed and took Star's hand, "Come with me."

Star turned as red as a tomato at Marco's gesture. Marco swerved to and fro people down the hall. It was crowded and everyone was walking in different directions, making it difficult for both of them to escape. Star was in the back crashing to people by accident and then immediately apologizing to them. Marco was heading to the back of the school, and just like that, they made it outside.

The boy took a breather and Star dusted herself off. She parted her lushes, blonde hair and tightened her red ribbons.

"What are we doing here?" Star asked.

Marco didn't have time to explain and so he pulled out his pair of dimension scissors. They were two times larger than a pair of kitchen scissors and he sliced down mid air. When a portal opened, revealing the front of the Butterfly castle, Star gasped.

"On an adventure. Do you trust me?" Marco lend out his hand for Star.

There it was again, her cheeks flushed bright red, brighter than her ribbons. Star was not hesitant for her fingers intertwined with Marco. He nodded and took a step into Mewni first. Star, her hand still holding Marco's hand, entered through.

Dimension Mewni

Star and Alternate Marco snuck their way into the Butterfly Castle. With a bit of the wand's magic and stealth, they managed to make it all the way up to Star's room.

Her room in the castle was much bigger than the one in Marco's house. Her bedsheets were bad out of bubblegum pink, silk sheets and elegant drapes around her massive bed. She had a desktop on the left side of her bed and a beautiful vanity mirror on the right. All of Star's makeup and hair accessories were organized on her desk and vanity mirror. There was fancy portraits of Star, her family, and the Mewnian Royals.

Marco looked left and right, admiring Star's massive bedroom. Heck, her bedroom was bigger than a house itself. Marco ran to her balcony and made a face at the view. There were peasant down below the castles along with their wooden houses and straw huts.

When Marco looked straight ahead, he admired the beautiful view. It was a clear, blue sky and overhead, was a green forest. High mountains faded far off the horizon and birds flew just above the clouds. He could see the world and Marco took a deep breath. Fresh air and freedom.

"Must be nice to have a room this big and a view this amazing," Marco said, not taking his eyes off the scenery.

Star skipped to Marco and stood by him.
"Yeah, this is my favorite part of the palace."

Star placed her hands and wand on top of the balcony wall and she felt Marco's hand. She hesitated, but when Marco didn't react to her touch, Star moved her hand closer. Soon, their pinkies intertwined and then they held hands. Their avoided looking down at their hands, and shifted their gaze at opposite directions.

And then the double doors burst open.


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