Part 11/ Following The Wand

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Dimension Earth

"MARCO!" Star shouted.

Marco woke up with squinting eyes blinded by the morning sun. He sat up with his messy brown bed head and saw Star looking through his closet and drawers.

He yawned, "Star, what are you doing?"

Star turned back, "Have you seen my wand? I can't find it anywhere!"

"Maybe try looking in YOUR room."

Marco brushed his fingers through his strands of hair and slipped on his casual, red sweater. Star closed all the drawers and bent down to search under the bed and even underneath the messy pile of unwashed clothes.

"Star!" Marco yelled, pushing his girlfriend back away from the clothe pile. "Maybe we should let your mom know it's missing."

Star began laughing hysterically. Her amused expression quickly snapped to a straight face and a deathly glare. "Bad idea, and you know that."

"Well, when was the last time you had it?"

Star stopped her search and looked to the side thinking. Then it her her. She was toying with Alternate Marco and the wand. The two of them were in her room back in the Butterfly Castle. Star ran in her room, nagging onto Marco's sweater sleeve with her. She grabbed her sparkling dimensional scissors and sliced the air. An incision expanded to a swirling blue worm whole in which the two best friends jumped in.

Dimension Mewni

The room was cleaner than ever, which rarely happens and It smelled like fresh lavender. Star started searching under her bed, then inside her wardrobe, then the vanity mirror. She found nothing.

"This is terrible!" Star complained as she lied down on her bed. "My mom is going to kill me once she finds out I'm missing my wand."

"Okay, new question. If this was the last place you had your wand, where you with someone at the time?" Marco asked, continuing the search in the room.

Star's head propped up and gasped, "MARCO!"


"No, no. I was with you! Your alternate self."

Dimension R3\/3R$3D

Lunch seemed to go by slowly for Marco as he sat alone at his usual table, surrounded by the annoying chatter of his classmates. Star and Janna received their lunches and just got out of the line. Star's eyes darted at Marco who was studying the wand that was on the table. She nudged her friend Janna on the shoulder and signaled to go sit with him. At first, Janna nodded and hesitated, but Star was already dragging her by the arm to his table.

"Hey Marco," Star sang as she placed her food tray in front of him.

Marco shook his head and snatched the wand off of the table and stashed in his jacket pocket. Janna made a face and took a seat beside Star who couldn't wipe her smile off her face.

"What do you want?" An irritated Marco spat.

"Um," Janna spoke awkwardly, "I'm going to go sit at our usual table and not get yelled at."

Janna slipped out of her seat and rushed back to her usual lunch table with the rest of her other friends. Star scooted over until she was lined up with Marco. He furrowed his eyebrows when she took both his hands and held them tightly.

"Look, I know I was being mean to you this morning and I just want to apologize. I'm sorry, you were only trying to help me and I appreciate that," Star reasoned.

There it was again. Her distracting blue eyes left Marco staring blankly at her. He began thinking about her touch and the feel of Star's hand on his. He bit his lip nervously, embarrassed Star might be noticing his cheeks turn hot like chili peppers. But she continued to talk in her own sweet, angelic melody.

"But you need to understand that magic is a dangerous thing. Especially when you're not fully trained. AND," Star proceeded her lecture. "You stole her wand. You know that's a terrible thing to do. You shouldn't do things like this."

At that moment, Marco felt a soft punch hit him in his heart and it ached in such a way, he had to clench his chest. He didn't know if it was because of Star's reasoning or herself, but Marco knew whatever he was feeling was weak.


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