Chapter 7 - Perfect

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Perfect by Ed Sheeran, ft. Beyonce

Chapter 7 - Perfect

"Wait....what?" I sputtered.

What the heck?

Don't make it seem so obvious, Sky!

I composed myself, and adopted a more nonchalant expression mixed with a hint of shock and a pinch of teasing.

"You have a girlfriend! Why do I not know about this?!" I exclaimed, a smile on my face.

I couldn't help it.

I was somewhat disappointed. Maybe it was because I liked him. Maybe because he's nice and not like other guys I had met. Maybe because he was gorgeous and sweet and smart and nice.

Maybe because he was the first who seemed to actually liked me for being me.

Why do all the good guys have to be taken?

No chance of there ever being anything between us. He's getting married. Married. I know it's not confirmed yet, but who would say no to a guy like him?

The tiny, crazy, absolutely bonkers part of me was hoping/imagining that like in the movies and books, he would realize at the end moment that he does not like his girlfriend but really likes me, and would come back to me and we would get mar...

My nicer, more mature and realistic part took over.

Wow. I really am a vain and selfish person.

I can't believe I just thought about someone's relationship breaking off because of me.

Then realized that Sean had something and I had completely zoned out.

"Sorry, what? I zoned out a bit." I said sheepishly.

"I said, that you never asked." He said simply. It took me a second to figure out what he was talking in reference to, but then I nodded.

"Still! You should have told me that you are going to get married! You are gonna be a hubby." I teased.

Sean reddened. It was adorable. So adorable. "Don't use that word. Hubby. Jesus." He muttered. "And I don't know if she is gonna say yes. So...not yet."

"Do you have a picture?" I asked.

"Yeah. My lock screen wallpaper." He handed his phone to me.

I took his phone, and looked at the wallpaper. I had never seen it before.

I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at the clichédness of it all.

Of course she was gorgeous. Just like him. Why even for a moment I thought that.....

I really am obnoxious, self obsessed and selfish.

The picture was of the two of them. It was a selfie. The girl was clicking it...what was her name...Eliza. She was laughing at the camera. Her hazel eyes were big and bright, and went along so well with her wavy, bright ginger locks. Sean was kissing her cheek. They were surrounded with snow, and it was snowing.

They looked so in love...dammit.

"She's beautiful." I said, honestly. "When do I get to meet her."

"Yeah." Sean paused. "How about next Saturday?"

I nodded. I fell back in my seat, gazing out of the window, wallowing in my patheticness.

"Tell me about her." I said.

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