Festival pt 2

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Deku's pov

I felt Momo put on my Yukata for me, when I realized taunt it was kind of short like above my knees "U-umm, why is mine so short??" She poked my cheek "You know we're doing a show correct, so I thought it would be easier if you wore something like this!!" She said cheerfully I blushed then pointed at her "W-well yours and Tsuyu's aren't short at all!! But mine and Uraraka's are!! You two are participating in the show to!!" They looked as if they had been busted "Listen!!! I'll come clean.....I thought that it would look cute of you two so I customized it...." Momo said awkwardly "I just nodded "W-well I'm okay with wearing it!!!" I couldn't see Momo sad!!! I would I be sad if she were sad "Yay!!!" She said happily.

"Come on its beginning now!!!" I felt them grab me and pulled me along with them. We stepped out and soon we found our selves there ,I stared in awe everything looked amazing. I looked at all the booths and games, "Wow....." Was all I could manage to say. That's when I heard "Hey." Coming from two familiar voices I turned around to see Kacchan, Todokun I also noticed Iida .They were approaching me..... CRAP!!! I mentally thought that's when I felt myself become flustered, I gotta get away I can't be near them right now!!! I felt my legs move in their own as I bolted away from them. I ran and ran till I found myself bumping into someone "S-s-S-sorry!!!" I managed to say....I looked up to see Kirishima "Woah!!! Midoriya you ok??" I quickly nodded that's when I saw Momo, Urarka, Kacchan, Iida and Todokun calling my name. I quickly hid behind Kirishima he was taller than me so it worked out.

"Hey um....are you ok?" He said really confused I nodded, I decided that I would hang out with him a little bit, I mean I don't really know him well so. It might be fun plus it gets me away from Kacchan and Todokun ,I began to tag along with him and and his friend group. We joked around and laughed he was overall a really cool guy his manly side was quite funny at times as well, so where the rest of his friends. I was sitting with them near a little area when I felt someone headlock me "W-WHAT?!?" I said I felt them start to punch my head to. Crap I know who this is I looked up to Kacchan with his face molded into an angry expression "GRRRR YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK TO FIND YOU!!!!!???? YOU STUPID FUCKING SHIT NERD YOUR SO WEIRD HUGGING ME LIKE THAT EARLIER!!!" I felt my face flush.....

Momo came up to find us "Aww Kacchan let her go!! Stop being mean to her!!" He was distracted by her and let go of me, I felt my tears turn into waterfalls. He let me go!!! I quickly bolted screaming "SORRYY!!" I almost tripped to freedom when I felt someone grab me by my the back of my collar and lift me off the ground..... there waterfalls still coming out of my eyes. "WAHHHHHH!!!! YOU GUYS FOUND ME!!!! LET ME GO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND." I looked up to see it was Todokun who had me by my collar and was lifting me up. "You have no idea how long it took to find you." He said then took a deep sigh....Uraraka got close to my ear and whispered just were Kacchan and Todokun could hear "Yeah cause these two numbskulls were worried sick....." They immediately turned red in the face.....

(Flash back)
Kacchan kicked over multiple trash cans "DEKU WERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!!!" He soon got so upset and worried that he exploded things "AHHHHH DEKU I SWEAR IF YOU GOT HURT OR ARE LOST OR ARE ANYTHING IM GONNA KILL YOU AND THEN IM GONNA KILL THE BASTARD THAT ABDUCTED YOU!!!"And Todokun at the other hand was pale, looked as if he were gonna puke and was worried as freak "M-Midoriya were are you!!!" He began to look everywhere . The more that he didn't find Midoriya the faster he walked till eventually.....,"IZUKU WERE ARE YOU?!?!" His flames started to show while his ice froze the ground around him.....

(Flashback over)
"I DONT KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOURE TALKING ABOUT!!!" Kacchan turned to the side with an angry face. While Todokun put Izuku down "I-I'm sorry that I worried you all!!" I said sheepishly. That's when Momo went up to me "We both know you ran though" I blushed, I felt my legs move on their own "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Kacchan quickly grabbed me though. "We're the hell you think your going you little shit!!".....

After getting quite the scolding we continued on with our night. We had all gotten separated but agreed to meet up when the festival show would begin, it was just me, Todokun and Kacchan . We were walking when I spotted a game area "Hit three bottles while using your quirk win a giant plushy!!" It was so cute!!! In my opinion I kept looking at it, "It's so adorable...." I absentmindedly mumbled. Both Kacchan and Todokun looked at me, "You want that plush?" They said at the same time......they realized what they had said and immediately began to glare at each other. I quickly started to try to break them apart "I-it's ok I don't want it that bad!!!" But of course they didn't listen to me and ended up going up to The booth "I WOULD LIKE TO WIN THAT BEAR!!!" they pointed to the plush I wanted. They began to growl at each other "IM GOING FIRST!!" They used their quirks at the same time. They did a lot of damage.....but surprisingly they didn't break the bottles ,"Awww they tried for me!!" I mumbled that's when Momo saw how I was looking at the bear.

While Kacchan and Todokun argued she went up to the shocked person running the booth "I would like to win that bear!!" She pulled a bow and arrow from her skin.....and used it....she won!!! She walked over to me "Here Midoriya you looked like you wanted it!!" She smiled at me. I hugged her "thankyouthankyouthankyou!!" I said while she smirked at Kacchan and Todokun, their faces were complete shock. I still went up to them and hugged them "Thank you guys for trying I really appreciate it!!" I felt them hug me back. That's when I hugged the bear "So cute....." I thought to myself while hugging it.

When I looked up both Kacchan's and Todoroki's noses were bleeding!!! "ARE YOU OK?!?" I said to them while waving my arms around in a stupid fashion. They quickly wiped their noses "U-uh yeah we're fine!!!" They both said in unison again they glared at each other....

That's when I felt Momo pull me "THE SHOWS ABOUT TO BEGIN!!!" With that we all ran towards the center of the festival.

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