(Christmas speacial)Mistletoe

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Deku's pov

"It's Christmas!! Yay" Uraraka said to me, I was today surprisingly having a great day. I wasn't sad or tired is what I'm getting at.....I replied to Uraraka "Yeah!! I hear Momo's having a huge party at her house and that she would like all the students of class A to come!! So are you going?" Uraraka nodded "Yeah!! Of course I'm coming I know it's gonna be fun because come on it Momo were talking about!!" I laughed and responded "yeah I mean I'm also going" she looked happy at my response that's when Todokun and Kacchan came over to us. "Are you guys coming to the party?" Urarka asked them they nodded.....crap that was supposed to be my line to make conversation that's when Todokun got close to my face...."Well Izuku...are you coming?" I blushed a thousand shades of red.....then Kacchan put his arm around my neck "Yeah are you shit nerd?" Ya know what make that two thousand shades of red.

......."U-um...well y-yes!!" Ok heart calm down!! Stop beating.....so I don't know fast?!? The teacher came in and eventually everyone took their seats including Kacchan and Todokun whew.....saved by the teacher......

The day went on being quite normal.....before I knew it, the party was gonna start!!

I made my way to Momo's place "h-hey Momo!!" She gave me a loving smile "Hello dear!! You're here quite early!!" I looked a little shocked "O-oh my!! I guess I was just so exited!! I couldn't help it" I responded happily she replied "Hey....umm Izuku since I mean you're here.....could you wear this? It would be the absolute perfect gift...." She said creepy.....but I can't make anyone unhappy so I nodded "Of course!!"


Bad move....on my part
It was a Santa outfit except it went if the shoulder and was quite short....on the bright side I guess the hat is cute? I stepped out "I-is....this good?" She nodded vigorously "YES ITS PERFECT!!!" She responded while taking multiple pictures of me.....

Soon people began to come "Hey do me a favor Izuku cam you pass these cookies out to everyone I made a bunch for the party!! Please!!" I nodded "Yeah I don't mind!!" I said enthusiastic. I began to walk around passing out the cookies, also kinda looking for Uraraka, Iida, Todokun and Kacchan. That's when I found them "Oh hey guys!!" Todokun and Kacchan blushed...."U-um....your outfit....." They both said awkwardly I nodded "Well Momo made me wear this said that its really cute!!" Uraraka began to take pictures at an unnatural rate...."YES THIS IS PERFECT YOU CUTE LITTLE THING HAHAHA IM SO GONNA POST THIS!!!!" She said....I could swear I see little stars in her eyes...wait she's gonna post it?!? No!!! "URARAKA NO-" I tripped....oh great I tripped!! "K-KYA!!" I yelled as the tray of cookies flew out of my hands....

Kacchan's pov....
All I know is that...Deku fell......and my vision is blacked out....and it feels like cushions are surrounding my face..... Don't tell me....."AHHHH!!!KACCHAN STOP DONT LOOK I CANT GET UP IM STUCK!!!" I heard Deku yell...."Y-YOUR THINGS GET OFF THEYRE IN MY FACE!!!" I yelled in a panic ...I felt liquid begin seeping from my nose.....I'm gonna I can't handle this my vision is going blank.... I'm getting dizzy I can't tell if it's from lack of oxygen or because of Deku's....THINGS BEING THIS CLOSE TO ME!!!!

Deku's pov
Oh great....I fell just were Kacchan's face had to be!! And now his face is literally between....AHEM I managed to get up out of the awkward position but it was to late.....Kacchan's face had blood on it....and he was blue. In a panic I began to slap his face....trying to get him up ,light slaps turned into hard ones....to the point his cheek was red....and that turned into me grabbing his shoulders and begging to shake his unconscious body "KACCHAN GET UP YOU STUPID!!! DID I KILL YOU IM SO SORRY HOW DID I MAKE YOU BLEED PLEASE GET UP!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs "I-Izuku the cookies..." I heard Iida say. "I DONT CARE ABOUT THE COOKIES I KILLED MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND WITH THESE THINGS ON MY CHEST HOW COULD I BE SO CRUEL IM A MONSTER!!!HES DEAD ITS ALL MY FAULT !!!"


After a while things settled down....and I calmed down. Momo some how got involved in the situation...."I-Izuku...it's ok he's just passed out" I sniffled "R-really?" I said with tears at the corners of my eyes....she nodded "I'm also really sorry about the cookies...." She sweat dropped "It's fine....I have a lot more!! I made extra in case something happened to the cookies....." I nodded sadly.....I went over by a door that's when Todoroki came up next to me...."Hey Izuku he's fine....really....but when he wakes up I'm pretty sure he's not gonna be so ok......." I looked at him curiously "W-what do you mean?" He smiled at me a little but he had a very dark expression "N-nothing!!" He stuttered that's when his face got a light pink on it...."I-Izuku...." He got close to my face which made me blush....oh great my heart is pounding!!! "You're beautiful....like Christmas it's self....you really do remind me of it to....the thing that everyone looks forward to in the cold....cold winter....that can warm up anybody's aching soul or heart.....that can mend my nerves and bring me so far away from my senses...." He said to me with his blush growing even more.....mine put his red hair to shame....."T-t-Todokun...." I said barely managing to form his name....he came so close to my face our lips were almost touching "No.....I want you to call me shou..." His hand found its way to mine.....

"hey you two are right under a mistletoe!!" I heard Tsu yell...what?!? WHAT?!? OHMYGAWDWHAT?!? Everyone....got out there phones...."Well....it's tradition but if you don't feel comfortable...Izuku...." I shook my head I mean...it's only tradition that's when I heard explosions and yells also running feet "IM NOT LETTING YOU HAVE HER!!!SHES NOT YOURS....!!" That's when he looked at the intruder of the scene "well is she yours katsuki?" He looked away "N-NO BUT!!" He found his way under the mistletoe to.....crap...."OHHHHHHHHH" everyone yelled "now who's gonna win Izuku's kiss?!?" All the girls yelled "THEY SHOULD DUEL WINNER TAKES ALL!!OF COURSE TODOROKI WILL WIN!!" Tsu yelled with a blush on her face "NO BAKUGOU!!!" Momo yelled....

I...was left with this embarrassment.....everyone began to go to war on who should receive my kiss....."guys....." I said quietly "GUYS SHUT UP!!!" I yelled.....the war was stopped...."I-I'll....k-kiss....t-t-them....b-b-b-both...." Kacchan and Todok- shou....froze and went backed away from each other...their hair was all messed up because they were fighting with each other along with everyone who was at war.... They both blushed "O-ok..." They said in unison.....


Everyone was silent....




I kissed both of them on the cheek.....

They were blushing and I was blushing and everything was awkward I thought I was gonna die....
"Awwwwww.....!!" I heard my fellow classmates say....."T-that...w-was m-my first kiss....d-did I do it right?" I touched my lips.....everyone...began to take pictures "Y-YES MY INNOCENT LITTLE IZUKU YOUR FACE IS PERFECT WITH YOUR OUTFIT ALL OF THIS IS JUST PERFECT!!!" I heard Uraraka yell.....that's when I blushed ran towards her...I ended up hiding my face...."NO PLEASE!!" She ended up hugging me...."Awww fine!!"

Soon things went back to normal and the party ended....on my walk home I sighed "How exhausting..........but......the kiss was...

Nice,...." I said as I felt my lips.....


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