Dying light

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No ones pov

"Izuku-" Todoroki began to say it was to late she was already out of the door. 'She was so excited about going on this trip....what on earth would make her want to leave so soon...and sudden?' Uraraka silently thought to herself that's when Todoroki's face turned into somewhat anxiety....and worried expression "D-Deku!! I'm coming with you!!" Bakugou quickly yelled......"Yeah us to!!" Uraraka said responding for Todoroki.

She wasn't listening.....she just kept on walking....."Sure I don't care...." She responded in a low tone....of voice. They all got on the bus that took them to this area they were staying at, "Izuku.....what's wrong??!" Uraraka asked....no response but just a look of pain.....from Izuku. The bus soon stopped and they arrived at a hospital.....everyone was confused except for Izuku who seemed to be the only one who understood what was going on. "Please....all of you stay out here..." Izuku said in heart wrenching tone....

She interned a room.....and the rest waited outside.

Deku's pov

There she was......"MOM!!" I yelled quickly running towards her bed "Mom.....how could I let someone do this...to you....how could I be so stupid..." She wasn't responding....her eyes closed "Mom...." That's when a doctor came in...."Im sorry to say this.....but due to the injuries inflicted on her I think she'll be in a coma...for most of her life span..." He said to me....I just couldn't take it.....my world felt as if where crashing down on me....what's the use of being a hero if I can't even protect those that I love!! "O-oh...I see...." I said slowly in response....."I'll give you some alone time but please.....come with me when you're done I believe that there is something you might want to see." I just nodded to his words unable to move my mouth. He left I heard the door shut behind him

"oh mom.....how could I let this happen to you?!? How could I be so foolish....." I grabbed her hand knowing she wouldn't respond....she wouldn't laugh.....she wouldn't give me that loving smile as a boost of encouragement anymore....huh? I felt tears pouring out of my eyes. "What's the meaning.....of even being a hero if I can't even save those that I love...huh? You are all I have left.....and look at you you're in this state....it's my fault!!" I held her hand tighter....."I'm so sorry.....I'm sorry.....please forgive me!!" I looked at her pale face....and how blood bags where what was sustaining her....."How could I let this.....happen I don't deserve anything!!! Not anymore.....but.....I can't redeem myself ever.....I'm so worthless I can't even clear the doubt looming over my heart!!" I held her hand to my face.....I cried and cried.....knowing that all I'm ever gonna see from her now....is a pale face that's in a deep slumber. After crying for maybe 3 hours......I stopped as if

I had no more tears left

"Heh....mom I don't deserve anything but you deserved a better child. I'll make it up to you.....don't worry.....I swear who ever did this I'll kill them....in the most painful way possible....I don't care if I die in the process either....mainly because I'll kill myself as punishment....after I promise mom...." I'm not feeling anything right now....except for a hole in my heart......hate for myself.....and revenge. That's all my life revolves around now...

I came out of the room....looking for the doctor I soon found him....."What was it you wanted to show me?" I asked him in a monotone voice....he showed a police officer "We caught this on tape from one if the street cameras... It might lead to who did this" The police officer said , I looked at the tape....there he was.....

That blue hair

That ugly face

Those piercing red eyes....

I'll demolish them.....


No ones pov

Izuku had finally come out of the hospital there her friends where waiting for her return...."Izuku what's the-" Todorki stopped dead in his tracks as he looked Izuku in the eyes....he feared those eyes....he feared those grayed out green eyes....it was like she was dead but still walking. Everyone feared those eyes even Bakugou "I-Izuku...?" Uraraka slowly muttered, "Yes Uraraka?" She asked.....in such a pained voice....no one wanted to hear her speak "W-what happened?" Uraraka said almost like a whimper "Heh....oh nothing you need to concern yourself with...." With that she began to walk away "If nothing happened then aren't you going to go back to the trip with everyone else?!" Bakugou stated sternly.....he knew something happened to Izuku but she wasn't budging "No.....ill stay here I'm looking for someone." She turned around and looked at Bakugou those eyes....pained him they where no longer filled with innocence indifferent to the worlds hate.....and darkness.....but now they where filled to the brim with hatred of the worlds darkness and the lust for revenge.

"I-Izuku!!" Todoroki yelled "Please...what happened?!?" She just looked at him with an icy stare...and a plastic like smile "It's ok Todorki nothing happened" she responded.....everyone was in shock and fear....."Can we stay with you?" Uraraka said cautiously "Do as you please......

I really

Have lost

The will

To care."

That's when they all realized the Izuku that they held so dear....was disappearing like a dying light right in front of their eyes....and they couldn't do anything about it.

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