Chapter Three: Dinner

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Y/n is your name
H/c is your hair color
B/n is best friend name
«» are thoughts
Enjoy Loki in a black suit ;)
swipe left and click on the song to listen
Hope you enjoy! 💓
"Follow me my lady."
Loki held out his hand and you grabbed it. He led you to the table and opened the chair for you. You smiled as you sat down. He pushed you in and sat down across from you. You just stared at your surroundings, finally leading your gaze to his face. You stared at him while he stared back at you with nervous and adoring eyes.
"I still feel like I should've changed.", you said breaking the silence.
You were conscious of your body. You were still wearing your Valkyrie fighting outfit, clearly not ready for the occasion.
"Non sense.", he said not breaking eye contact.
"I'm a mess Loki. I'm sweaty and my hair is messy!", you gestured your long h/c hair towards him.
"I still find you stunning y/n. I don't really care that you're sweaty or as you said 'a mess'."
You looked down at your empty plate blushing. You heard him chuckle low. He clearly knew the affect he had on you. You looked up and gave a small smile back to Loki, as he still looked at you, adoring you.
"So what's for dinner?", you asked him.
" I'm glad you asked!"
He put his hand on the tray and lifted up the lid.
"Pasta!", he smiled.
"Did you cook pasta just for me?", you asked in disbelief.
"Why, yes love. May I?", he asked gesturing at your plate.
You gave him your plate. He grabbed it and severed you. He handed your plate back as he served himself. He then opened a wine bottle and poured some wine in both of your glasses. You both lifted up your glass.
"Dinner is served."
You took a sip and dug in your meal. You took a bite.
"How's the pasta y/n?", Loki asked, a little tense as he waited for your answer.
"Mmm, Loki. It's so good! You actually cooked this?"
He relaxed his body and gave you his usual smug smirk.
"Why of course y/n."
"I'm impressed."
"Hmm. You still haven't seen everything I can do.", he said staring deeply into your eyes.
You looked down, blushing. You were a bit uncomfortable since you've never been with anyone. You've never been on a date. After your mother died, your father was overprotective of you. And after your father died, the pain was so huge and overwhelming, you locked everybody out. You only had b/n since (he/she) has been there since the beginning. You didn't trust anybody. You didn't want to deal with a bigger loss. For you it wasn't worth it. Although you locked everybody out, you still developed a crush on Loki. That small crush eventually turned into a big love. Even if he was a frost giant. Even if he almost destroyed New York and ironically is now living in New York. You loved him. You didn't show it though. It was ridiculous for Loki to love you. You would think why would he want me? You were broken. And you didn't want to get hurt. In your mind, you would tell yourself «You're not made to love. You can't fall in love.»  Your heart told you the opposite. But you only got those feelings for Loki. You would wonder sometimes how he felt towards you. After your parents died, he would start smiling at you more. And when you heard about his death, you were heartbroken. You couldn't believe that the man you loved died. You became even more broken. You had multiple reactions. You were depressed. You didn't know how you would live without seeing him. You were angry at yourself for not trying to connect with him. You were livid at yourself for not giving yourself the chance to talk to him. You were shocked because that's when you knew that your love for him was real. And that's when you knew that maybe it wouldn't be so bad to love somebody and let them in. At that same time, your powers became even more dangerous. You were able to start controlling them again, the day you ran into Odin. Or so you thought. You were walking to your house back on Asgard when you ran into Odin. He stayed to talk to you for a while. Before he left, he revealed to you that he was Loki. You were shocked. You couldn't believe it. He told you that he faked his death and that you were the first to know. He asked you to promise him to not tell anyone. You promised. Since that day, he would talk to you every once in a while and you you would talk to him. It was very small conversations. The real conversations started on recruiting day. After having that talk with Loki, you knew that no matter what, you loved him. You decided to give him a chance.
"Y/n?", Loki nervously asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
"Hmm?", you asked shocked.
" I asked you if you liked your new job? It seems that your mind was somewhere else."
"Oh, yeah. Sorry. Um, yeah! I love my job! It's something I've wanted since I was little . Now that it's a reality, I still can't believe it."
"I'm glad. And see? I told you to trust me."
"Yes you did. Thank you.", you said giggling.
He smiled at your giggle and took a sip out of his glass.
"How did you convince them to let me in the team?"
"Easy. I told them to open their eyes and see the potential you have. All the other girls weren't good fighters. You were a warrior. They were amateurs."
You gave him a big smile and he returned one to you.
"May I ask you something y/n?"
"Yes, Loki. You can ask me anything."
"Why did you become a Valkyrie?"
You choked on your wine. You weren't expecting him to ask something so intimate to you. You had a flashback of your parents. It was your favorite memory of them. It was you as a little girl playing in the snow that you created with them. In a week, you would be finding out that your mother got killed. Tears started forming in your eyes. You tried holding them back, but failed. You let out a cry. Loki immediately got up and rushed to your side.
"Y/n! I'm, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry, love. You don't have to answer, I know it's personal.", he said, his voice soft.
He wiped your tears with his hands.
"Dance with me y/n."
He held his hands out.
"Dance with me."
He picked you up and positioned you.
Lose it by Oh wonder starts playing (song above) He leads you through the dance. There was no talking, since both of you didn't want to ruin the moment. It was just the sound of breathing and music. You leaned your head against his head and he held you tight. After the song ended, the both of you stood there for a while. He would rub your back, still holding you tight. The way he held you, his concern for you, the effort he did to impress you, made you relax as you realized something. You could trust him.
"Loki?", you said with a small whisper.
"Yes love?"
"If I tell you something do you promise not to tell anyone?"
Aaa a cliffhanger! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What will you tell Loki? Find out next week! Also I'm going to start after every three chapters to post some amazing Loki/Tom/Marvel accounts! This week I'm doing forceloki follow her on Instagram! She posts really amazing Loki/Tom edits!! She's really amazing and she was the one who gave me the idea to actually write my fan fic, so thank you! Love ya lots Leïla 💞

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