Chapter six: Brother

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Y/n is your name
F/d is favorite drink
B/n is best friend name
[] is insert option of choice
«» is your thoughts
Happy New Years! Enjoy 💓
"You can do this, y/n", you whispered to yourself. You were nervous. You were standing outside of Thor's room. Instead of meeting inside the royal room in the palace, he requested for you to meet him in his "Midgardian room". Whatever that was. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door. No answer. You sighed in relief.
"Oh well nobody is home."
You started turning around and you heard the door swing open.
"Y/n! You made it!"
You turned around, cursing in your head.
"Thor! Why of course I made it, why wouldn't I?"
Thor motioned you inside. You went in with him following behind.
"Wow.", you breathed.
You looked around the room. It was a small room, like a lobby.
"Sorry for asking you to come here lady y/n. Usually Midgardians come here."
"It's no problem Thor. It's nice actually."
"Please, sit."
Both of you sat down and Thor noticed you fidgeting with your hands.
"Is something wrong?"
"No! I'm just nervous."
"Nervous, why?", he laughed.
"Well, you are king of Asgard. Not to mention Loki's brother."
"And? We're still Asgardians, aren't we?"
"So I'm like you. There's nothing to be nervous about. Would you like anything to drink?"
"Yes please."
Thor got up to get your drink, while you decided to do some exploring of your own. You got up and looked around. You entered the kitchen and saw a picture on the counter. You lifted it and saw a little Thor and Loki smiling.
"He pranked me that day."
You didn't realize that Thor was behind you.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten up."
"Non sense."
He handed you your f/d.
"What did he do?", you asked.
"He turned into a snake and I love snakes so I picked it up. The snake spoke, 'Hello brother, it's me.' He shifted back to normal and stabbed me."
You stared at him with big eyes.
"Great times", he sighed.
After some silence, you spoke up.
"Is there a reason I'm here?"
"I wanted to know you better."
"Um, I'm not at liberty to say. Loki made me promise."
"Yup. Anyways do you want to play a game?"
"Um, which game?", you asked nervously.
"A question game. That way we can know each other better."
You started fidgeting the cup between your hands.
"It'll be fun. Come on , y/n.", Thor encouraged.
"Fine.", you sighed in defeat.
Time Jump
You and Thor were dying of laughter.
"I have to admit Thor, that was fun.", you choked.
"Told you."
After both of you calmed down, you said goodbye to Thor and left. You ran into b/n along the way.
"Hey b/n!", you called out.
"Omg! Y/n!", b/n yelled, pulling you into a hug.
"Shouldn't you be in practice?"
" I was excused for the day."
"What? Did you do something?", she/he asked getting ready to scold you.
"Calm down [insert nickname]. I just had lunch with Thor."
B/n being extra as he/she is fell, choking.
"The Thor? God of Thunder? King of Asgard?"
"There's only one Thor b/n. Stop being extra.", you laughed. She/he got up laughing.
"You like that about me though."
You wrapped b/n into a hug.
"I like everything about you."
"Stop you're gonna make me cry."
Both of you started laughing.
"Are you going to the masquerade ball tomorrow?"
"Masquerade ball?"
"Tell me you didn't forget y/n?"
"Uhh. I did."
"Come on, we're going shopping freezie."
Time Jump
You were back home with b/n putting your outfits away.
"Thank you so much b/n!"
"Anytime y/n! So you have a date?"
"No actually."
"Loki didn't ask? Both of you have been pretty inseparable lately."
"You noticed?", you asked shocked.
"Everyone has."
"Ughh. Anyways what about you?"
"[Daryl/Amethyst] asked me!"
"Oh my Asgard b/n, I'm so happy for you!"
"Thanks! I hope things take a turn tomorrow."
"I'm sure it will."
"I got to go, get my beauty rest and all."
You walked her/him out and when you went back to your room, you saw a bag on your bed.
«Huh. That wasn't there.»
You opened it and took out 3 things. It was a mask, necklace, and a picture frame. Along was a note.
"You'll need this. Look for me at the palace tomorrow. Don't move from the wall near the balcony."
TYSM for reading!! You guys are the best and I really hope you start your 2018 with a bang!
This time I'm giving a shout out to @starkhaller (instagram) She's amazing!! Ily Tater Tat 💓💓

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