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"I tell you dad! He was in a fucking red and blue onesie! With swimming goggles! The tackiest spider i've ever seen!"

Tony nearly choked on his water, bursting into ruckus laughter at the mere thought of it; Harper joining in the laughs.

"Oh, my god... you can't be serious-." Tony let out a wheeze. Ignoring the looks he was getting from Thor, Bruce and Natasha. They were currently on the quinjet, heading for Sokovia; Harper in her suit and Tony in his, as they talked over the particular events of the night prior... and a particular spider Harper had met. Or well, frightened half to hell more like it. Harper wouldn't admit how upset she was at herself after that.

"I am. In fact, I took my time; right after I got back home, to ask Jarvis to search up... this." She amplified the images coming out of her holo-pad. A youtube video. Of the same boy Harper had talked about, slinging to pull an old lady away from the coming train. Tony stared at the screen, seemingly not believing it before he slowly started snickering.

"Baby jesus, he is a fucking tacky spider!" They burst into laughter again, only to be stopped when Steve cleared his throat; looking at both father and daughter fondly for a moment before returning to his 'Captain America' look. Yeah, that serious look.

"We're about to land, it's best if you two get ready. We're counting on you, Harper; if this goes well, we won't be calling a code green."

Harper swiftly nodded, and on cue both the helmets of her father and her reassembled over their heads, faceplates being the only thing still not on. They quickly joined the rest of the team, Bruce currently piloting the Quinjet.

"So. Ready for some action, kid?" Clint questioned the teen, rearranging his arrows for the upcoming skirmish.

She nodded with a grin on her face. "About damn time..."


Sirens blaring. Soldiers scrambling. A general's voice booming through the speakers.

She simply turned to her brother in worry, the sound of distant explosions and fighting reaching her ears. And they held hands.


The moment they had gotten close to landing, HYDRA soldiers had already started to attack the Quinjet. Not taking notice of the growing purple light coming from under the jet, not until it crashed on the ground; creating a small boom that sent snow, dirt and soldiers back.

Harper grinned, suit glowing bright with accumulated energy. A powerful blast of purple cleared the path for the Quinjet, sending the rest of the soldiers either blasted away, into quite painful heaps on the ground, or directly into trees. Splinters forming from the amount of strength the child was placing into mere movements. Simple twitches creating these bursts of powerful, raw energy.

Tony and Thor took to the sky, Harper soon following with another boom, a line of purple coating the sky. Her natural abilities, enhanced by the suit; made it possible for her to quite literally dissapear, camouflaging with her surroundings. And so, the sentry towers were completely unaware, caught off guard when seemingly a purple light; too fast to see, sliced through the metal supporting the towers in seconds. Screams leaving the guard's mouths as they crumbled to the ground.


"Who gave the order to attack?" Baron Von Strucker rushed into the main communications room of their fortress in a frenzy.

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