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"Hey, dad?"

Tony looked away from the holo screen, and turned his attention to Harper; whom was looking downwards, at the Iron Legion's bay.

"What's up, Harp?"

"What happened to that Iron Legionnaire?"

Tony simply raised an eyebrow, walking to stand beside her; All of the androids were completely pristine and clear, of course they were, they were his creations...

...Oh. she was talking about that one.

"Oh, that ugly duckling? A bunch of protesters threw acid at it's face plate when we were in Sokovia. Corroded it all the way to the main circuits."

"Unsalvageable, then?"

"Pretty much. It's main systems are already failing, tested them yesterday and its left arm nearly slapped me in the face.." Harper snickered, causing Tony to roll his eyes; a smile edging on his lips. "No laughing, Young lady."

The female drake scrunched her face slightly, failing to contain her smile.

"Anyways. I think i'm simply going to re-use the parts... Possibly place them into your suit..." That made Harper's earfins flare up in surprise.

"A-Are you serious!? What, am I getting? Repulsor boost to my wing guards? Grappling hooks? Lasers!?-"

She had begun jumping on place, her tail swinging back and forth; knocking against objects roughly.

"Whoa, Whoa! Easy there, champ-" Tony chuckled, patting Harper's shoulder, succesfully making her settle down. "That is a surprise, that you are not going to get; until you finish your training with Steve and 'Tasha."

"But, Daaaaad-!" The girl whined, earfins folding against her head as she tried pulling the best sad puppy look she could. Her dad could not fight against that look, and he clearly looked indecisive once her lip started trembling.

"Harper, no... No, don't do that. That's a nasty move-." Tony groaned, returning back to looking at the holo screen which currently held the unfinished code of his most recent project.

He could not focus on it, because Harper had started audibly whining; her face still pulling that look--

As if knowing he was between the metaphorical sword and the wall, his salvation had come, in the form of the Captain America himself; whom entered the lab, already dressed up for training.

"Harper, training room B; you have 12 minutes."

Tony silently mouthed a 'thank you' at the Super Soldier, whom nodded; whilst still standing by the doorway, he pointed with his thumb towards the direction of the Training room, giving Harper a non-amused look; only causing the teen to groan, finally walking out of the room. Sulking.

...Steve threw a smirk at Tony. "Really? You bow at the 'Sad Puppy Eyes'?"

"... Just.. Go. Go, you walking red and blue popsicle- Go! Out of my workshop!"

Steve burst out laughing, finally walking out of the room and following after the girl.


God did Harper hate training.

A low growl left the girls mouth as she proceeded to duck her head to the side; barely missing Steve's fist, which had been aiming to catch her in the side of the head, before throwing her left leg towards the Super Soldier's torso. She managed to make him tumble to the ground, before she quickly turned her attention to Natasha. The assasin began throwing rapid leg kicks, that if Harper hadn't worked to block them; would've possibly landed on her face.

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