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(This video when they start to sing "chains on skateboard"^^^^ 😂😂  sorry I love this video 😂😂😂)

Back to the story:

Marcus then stood up. So I stood up to.

He looked at me then held out his hand.

Being the weirdo I am I thought he wanted me to shake his hand so that's what I did.

He laughed

"No hold my hand silly! So we can walk together" he chuckled

I smiled and blushed

He put his hand on my hair and pulled me closer.

Our lips were so close to touching....

Until he found the bit of hair I dyed

"What did you do?" He asked weirdly

"I thought I would try out a new hair colour so I only dyed a small bit to see what it would look like" I explained kind of laughing as well

He just laughed and we went on walking down the beach hand in hand.

The rest of the day was kind of boring but tomorrow is my birthday!

Too bad I can't spend it with my best friend...

I went to bed that night falling straight to sleep.

*next morning*

🎶Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear grace, happy birthday to you!🎶

I woke up to my mum and my sister singing happy birthday to me

I sat up in bed and smiled.

"Aw guys!" I smiled

They both sat on my bed and handed me a card

"Open it grace!" Libby yelled in excitement

"Okay okay" I giggled

I opened the card and lots of money fell out

"It's from all of us. We want you to get whatever you want!" My mum told me smiling.

I smiled back

"Maybe you can buy something for tonight" She said winking

"What happening tonight?" I asked intrigued

"We're going dancing!" She exclaimed excitedly

I smile dropped.

Dancing? Really?

"Oh okay. Sounds great" I said not wanting to be ungrateful

"We are going to a brand new club!" She added

"Can't wait mum!" I said smiling

"Oh should I call dad?" I asked almost forgetting

"Um maybe not. He'll call later. It's uhh the wrong time where he is" she said sounding uncertain

What is she up to?

Today was great. I got lots of cards and presents from so many people.

But still no call from dad

Had he forgotten it's my birthday?

It was getting late so I had to put on this dress. I didn't go and buy one as I already had this one in my closet.

It was ombré purple that sat tightly around my waist. It was flowy at the bottom. My hair was curled and my make up looked pretty decent.

Libby went to stay at my grandparents house as she couldn't stay home alone. I came downstairs and my mum looked amazing

"Oh darling you look gorgeous!" She said

"Thanks mum!" I responded

We got in the car and drove to the club.

It looked so cool but very.... empty.

"Are you sure it's open?" I asked

"Of course it is. Now come on!" She said trying to rush me.

I rolled my eyes and continued.

The colour scheme in there was black and purple. The lights on the walls lit up amazingly and it was like walking on the red carpet as we went in.

My mum took my hand.

I was so confused because literally no one was here.

"Mum wh-" I started but she cut me off

"Shh come on" She whisper yelled.

What's going on?

"Wait here" She said whilst darting off somewhere else.

Did she just ditch me?

I stood there then I got the biggest surprise of my life!

Oooh cliff hanger. Sorry 😬😂 new chapter hopefully tomorrow. This book is nearly finished so my new one will be up soon! I'm so excited for this new book. I don't have a name for it yet but I'll think of one. Until next time...
-Jess 💕

Hard to get (Marcus gunnarsen) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now