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"When do you think he'll call me? Should I have asked for his number as well? Or would that look desperate?" Ellie was asking. She asks a lot of questions.

"Ellie, it went perfectly. You did everything right" I said.

She were plodding down the road and we eventually reached her house. She stroked Billy on the head and hugged me then went into her home. I continued to walk with Billy in my arms feeling depressed. Ellie has basically got Martinus and I am no where near getting Marcus.

I arrived home and opened the door. As soon as I stepped inside I heard yelling from upstairs. It was my parents. Great. I put Billy down then closed the front door. Just the door shut, the yelling stopped. I guess they heard it.

My mum came storming down the stairs.

"Your dad is impossible" she huffed then wandered into the kitchen. A miserable ending to a miserable day.

"Grace! Can you come up here for a minute please" My dad yelled.

I rolled my eyes then went upstairs. He was in his room sorting out a.... suitcase?

"Can you help with me with the packing. Your mum is making a mess of it" he asked.

"Sure" I said

I rummaged through the clothes I could see. They were awful, he has a terrible fashion sense. I stopped looking and gave my dad a hug.

"What's this for?" He asked

"I don't like it when you and Mum fight" I replied.

"When your away, don't hang out with other women dad" I then said.

"What are you talking about? I know this is a big change, me getting a new job but everything is going to be fine" he said soothingly.

Just then the phone rang. My mum answered and came running into the room excitedly. What is she up to?

"Grace there's a boy on the phone! His name is peter. He wants to talk to you!" She exclaimed

"Oh no" I muttered under my breath

"I can't talk to him, I'm..... busy" I said quickly and ran out the room

I went to my room and just tried to fall asleep after this busy day.

Next morning.

Dad is leaving for New Zealand today so I need to say goodbye to him.

Everyone was waiting outside by the taxi and all the suitcases were there. I can't believe he is actually leaving.

We all said our goodbyes. It was hard but it's not forever. As he drove off down the road I saw Ellie walking towards our house with an ice cube?

Hey not very exciting chapter but lots to come. Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next Wednesday ❤️❤️
-Jess 💕

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