Part 1

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(Hi guys and gals its me. This is my first fanfic so please don't hate. I apologize for any grammatical or spelling errors. Once i get into this story i will be making a schedule.)

Harry was in Grimmauld place walking down the hall. He heard voices and stopped. He couldn't make out any words, but he thought he recognized a few members of the orders voices. He remembered the extendable ear he had gotten from Fred and George earlier that summer. he quickly ran up to his room and grabbed it from his trunk. He went back down to the room he had heard the voices coming from. Using the extendable ear he could hear snippets of the conversation.

"......Do you have the illegal marriage contract between Ginny and harry?" He heard Mrs. Weasley ask.

"No, but it will be ready by the beginning of the year." Dumbledore replied. Harry let out an inaudible gasp at that. They were going to make him marry Ginny. Unfortunately he was gay. he had been for a while.

"I will be Rich!" He heard Ginny yell out.

"Speaking of rich" Ron butt in "Me and Hermione want more money for being his friend." At that Harry was even more shocked. His friends were getting paid to be his friends.

"Now Now children, remember I am taking this money from his personal vaults, He may be stupid eventually he will figure that out." Dumbledore replied. Harry was madder than he had ever been before. He had found his breaking point. he went up to his room and packed his trunk, then storming downstairs he went out the front door heading to the Dursley's house. He didn't notice the sad looks that Remus was giving him or the sympathetic glances from Sirius.

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