Part 7

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Tom was in the sitting room the newspaper with Severus or Sev as some called him when he heard the sound of apparating. He pulled out his wand and motioned for Sev to leave the room. Disobeying his husband Severus pulled out his wand too. What they saw next shocked them. Their long lost son walked into the room. He was 14 now and looked like it. Severus ran over to him and pulled him into a hug. after a moments hesitation so did Tom.

"Where were you son?" Tom asked his new found child.

"I will tell you, however I want you to gather the rest of the family."

"Of course." Tom touched his wand to his arm and summoned his family. They all started apparating in one by one. They were muttering among themselves, but as they saw Hadrian they stopped.

"Tom is that...?" Bellatrix asked. Tom nodded and she was excited.

"This is my son Hadrian," Tom announced as soon as everyone got there. In the room there was Lucius, Narcissa, Tom, Severus, Draco, Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Tonks, Remus, Sirius, Pansy and her parents, Blaise and his parents, and Hadrian himself.

"I am Hadrian Riddle. I grew up believing I was someone else. That person was Harry Potter. My Birthday is in July. late July. I did go through my inheritance early for a reason I do not feel comfortable sharing right now. I was 'raised' by muggles. I was abused in every single way. I lived in a cupboard under the stairs till i was 11." Hadrian continued telling everyone the story of his life and all that had happened while he was Harry Potter. After he was done there was not a dry eye in the room. Draco walked up to him and wrapped an arm around his waist as a way of saying that he was safe and that he didn't have to go back.

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