Part 5

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Hadrian walked down the stairs very quietly so as not to wake up his uncle. He walked outside and called for the knight bus, which also worked in the day. He got on and quickly told him where he wanted to go. He wasn't mistaken for Harry so that was good.

He stepped out and handed the driver a galleon before walking down the street. He entered Gringotts and walked up to one of the goblins.

"Can I speak to Griphook?" Hadrian asked the goblin.

"Just one moment," was his reply.

Soon Hadrian saw Griphook and the other goblin emerge from the back. He was then led into one of the side rooms. The room had a desk with one chair on one side and three on the other. Hadrian sat on the chair in the middle of the three chairs. These were obviously made for a family to sit in, so he felt a bit awkward about being there alone. Griphook sat down in the chair across from Hadrian.

"Please add three drops of blood to the paper." Griphook said handing Hadrian a knife and a yellowed piece of parchment. Hadrian did as he was asked, not wincing as he cut his palm. Soon the paper glowed and words started forming on it.

Name: Hadrian Mauve Riddle

Creature Inheritance: 50% dragon spry(From Mother) 50% demon(From Father)

Abilities: Dragon speak, elemental breath, Shadow travel, parselmagic, parsel tongue, Wand less magic, wordless magic

Forms: Human form, semi-human dragon form, semi-human demon form, full dragon form, full demon form, semi-human form mixed

Lordships: Potter, Black, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Emirys

Heir-ships: Riddle, Prince

Godparents: Lucius Malfoy(Godfather, Alive), Narcissa Malfoy(Godmother, Alive), Sirius Black(Godfather, In hiding), Remus Lupin(Godfather, Alive)

This was a lot to take in for Hadrian. He just sat there re-reading the paper over and over again. Until at last Griphook spoke.

"Well lord potter-black-gryffindor-slytherin-hufflepuff-ravenclaw-emirys, you can claim your lord and heirships if you wish to."

"I will, and Griphook."


"You can just call me Hadrian. We are friends after all." Griphook handed Hadrian a box full of rings. Hadrian claimed his lordships and heirships. Then Griphook spoke.

"Okay Hadrian. There are two more things we need to discuss. Blocks placed on you and vault discrepancies. Which one would you like to talk about first?"

"Can we talk about the vault discrepancies first, then we can deal with the blocks."

"Very well."

Hadrian got handed a paper with all the vault discrepancies from his vaults.

Potter vaults: 1932, 3542, 6835, 9204, 3495, 8596

1,000,000 galleons each month to Albus Dumbledore

30,000 galleons each month to Molly Weasley

1,000 galleons each month to Ronald Weasley

1,000 galleons each month to Hermione Granger

15 galleons changed to 300 pounds each month to Dursley's

Hadrian was furious to say the least. All this time the Dursleys were getting paid to abuse him. probably to make him a weak little boy that Dumbledick could easily manipulate.

"I would like to make my vaults unavailable to other. I would also like all my money back in full with interest."

"That is do-able Mr. Hadrian." Griphook said with a malicious glint in his eye. Goblins disliked the idea that someone was able to steal from another persons vault.

"I will get that taken care of once you leave."

"Thank you Griphook. Now on to getting those blocks removed."

"Now that i think about it, I believe that your family should be here with you when you get this done."

"Thank you Griphook."


"I will be shopping for school, but in the meantime can you send a letter to my family telling them where I am?"

"Of course."

"I will be back in a little while. May your gold flow prosperously."

Griphook looked a little startled that Hadrian knew to say that"And may your enemies fall at your feet."

"Oh i am sure they will." Hadrian said with an evil smirk.

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