Part 8

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After everyone knew what he had gone through as Harry, His parents decided that they should call a healer and get his injury chart. It would say every injury he had gotten. Both healed and not. The healer, Angel, walked in to the room that Hadrian had when he was younger. All the people that were with him when he admitted who he used to be were here now. Angel said the spell that would conjure up the list of all his injuries. Everyone was shocked when it kept growing. It grew until it was almost 3 feet long. It got passed around the room. Narcissa was crying and Lucius was trying to comfort her. Everyone was crying. It was finally passed to Draco.


Age 6: Obliviate, glamours, bruising

Age 7: Malnourishment, dehydration, broken fingers, sprained wrist, heavy bruising

Age 8: Malnourishment, dehydration, Broken wrist, broken leg, bruised ribs, bruising

Age 9: Malnourishment, dehydration, broken ribs, broken arm, broken fingers, bruising

Age 10: Malnourishment, dehydration, broken ribs, broken arm, broken, leg, broken fingers, bruising

Age 11: Broken arm, broken leg, Malnourishment, dehydration, broken fingers, broken ribs, bruised ribs, broken ankle

Age 12: Broken arm, broken leg, Malnourishment, dehydration, broken fingers, broken ribs, bruised ribs, broken ankle, broken toes

Age 13: Broken arm, broken leg, Malnourishment, dehydration, broken fingers, broken ribs, bruised ribs, broken ankle, broken toes, sprained ankle, rape

Draco was furious. His mate had gone through all of these things. Then Draco realized that he had been abusing his mate on top of all of this.

"I believe that a magical coma would be best for him," Angel suggested.

"Yes, put him in it," Tom said. Draco knew that this must have been hard for him. He had tried to kill his own son that at the same time he was trying to cope with this. They all left so Hadrian could be put into the magical coma.

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