Part 11

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The next morning Hadrian woke up and took a shower. He didn't have any robes that fit him anymore so he changed into an emerald green tee shirt and a pair of Black skinny jeans. He smelled food. Following his nose, he walked downstairs and into the non-formal dining room. He looked at the table and saw more food than he even knew existed. Tom was sitting at the head of the table with Severus sitting on his right. Hadrian walked over to them and sat down on Tom's left.

"Why is there so much food?" Hadrian asked skeptically looking from one of his fathers to the other.

"Do we need a special occasion to spoil our little angel son?" Severus answered his son with a question. Hadrian did not seem amused.

" First of all yes you do. Second of all I am no angel. Far from. Do you not know who my father is?"

"Oh I know him all right."Severus replied with a smirk.

"That's just gross." Hadrian said with a face that looked like he had just sucked on a lemon.(Get it. Lemon)

"Are you just going to stare or are you going to eat the food?" Tom asked jokingly. Hadrian wasted no time in digging in to the exotic breakfasts. All thoughts of the discussion that had previously ensued were gone as Hadrian poured more syrup onto his chocolate chip pancakes. Once Hadrian was finished with his breakfast, they walked over to the fireplace. They each grabbed a handful of floo dust before walking into the flames and yelling "Malfoy Manor".

They landed In the sitting room to meet Draco and his parents. As soon as Hadrian stepped out Draco went over to him and wrapped his arm around his waist.

"When I said accio hotty I didn't think it would actually work," Draco whispered seductively into Hadrian's ear. Hadrian blushed wildly and tried to hide his face in Draco's shoulder. Draco started to chuckle which caused Hadrian to blush even harder.

"Let's go before it gets too late," Tom spoke up.

They had decided that they were going to apparate to diagon Alley a couple days prior. Hadrian held on to Draco tighter while Draco grabbed on to his fathers arm. Hadrian felt twisting sensation in his gut and was nauseous. They apparated to a landing pad where Hadrian was promptly sick. Draco held his hair back while whispering soothing things into his ear and patting his back. Hadrian straightened up from where he was bending doubled over to lean on Draco. Draco was petting his hair when they decided that they were going to start walking to the brick wall to enter diagon alley.

After they opened the wall they walked inside. Tom and Severus went to buy Hadrian's books, his cauldron, his potion materials and other miscellaneous stuff that he needs for school. Hadrian went with Draco and his parents to get their clothes and his school supplies.

They walked in to Madam Malkin's to get fitted for their robes for the new school year. When they walked in they saw the Weasley family and Hermione.(Remind you of something from ohhh i don't know, the first book.)

"Got a new boy toy Malfoy?" Ron asked haughtily seeing Hadrian. Draco had to tighten his grip in Hadrian to keep him from attacking Ron. Hadrian uttered a low growl in hearing how Ron addressed his mate.

"Wow, I didn't think that you would associate yourself with half-breeds." Hermione said condescendingly. Draco himself growled this time. No one talks to a Malfoy like that and the mate of a Malfoy is considered one themselves.

"You might want to know who he is before you say something so inconsiderate and rude." Lucius spoke up before either of the boys could say anything.

"And why would we do that?" Ginny asked insincerely. while looking at her nails boredly.

"Because you three just insulted the most powerful person in existence." Lucius replied. The Weasley's faces paled considerably. Hermione just looked at them with confusion.

"I thought that was Dumbledore?" She spoke up.

"Silly girl. Can you not feel the power leaking off of the boy standing in front of you?" Lucius asked incredulously obviously faking it. "Why don't you introduce yourself Hadrian?" Lucius said once again.

"I am Hadrian Mauve Riddle." Hadrian answered smugly. Arthur, Molly, and Hermione's faces all paled considerably in recognition of the name Riddle. Their faces paled even more at what he said next.

"I am the lord to the ancient and noble houses of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Emyris." The older Weasleys realized what this meant. He really was the most powerful person on the planet and he was most likely on the dark side if his last name has anything to do with it. They quickly pushed down Ron and Ginny's heads. Them along with Hermione bowed their heads as well.

"What are you doing?!?" Ginny asked her mom annoyedly.

"Making you show respect to the most powerful person to ever live! "Molly snapped back. Ginny's eyes lit up, showing that she had an idea. She walked up to Hadrian who was now standing next to Draco as opposed to in his arms. She started rubbing herself against him trying to be sexy and alluring.

"You can do so much better then death eater scum like that," Ginny said trying to sound sexy.

"Get off of me you whore!" He yelled at her while pushing her away from him. "This 'Death Eater scum' is my mate and I love him!" He yelled again saying death eater scum in a mocking tone. She moved back to her family looking offended.

Hermione tried a gentler way, realizing that if he was the most powerful person in the world then he could be detrimental to the defeat of the dark. " You don't want to hang out with the wrong sort of people now do you?" She asked.

"I think i can tell the wrong sort for myself thank you." He said sassily as he was hit with a feeling of nostalgia. The Weasley's realized that they had been beaten and they left the store. Most likely to report to Dumbledore. Hadrian and the Malfoy's continued as though nothing had happened and finished getting fitted for their robes. The rest of their shopping trip happened without disruption. They soon walked to the ice cream shop to meet up with Hadrian's parents.

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