Part 10

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It was the beginning of the second week when Hadrian stirred from his slumber. Draco woke up from where he was sleeping next to him. He called for Tom and not seconds after that he saw Tom and Severus run into the room.

"Hadrian?!? Hadrian!" Tom was ecstatic. Severus was at Hadrian's bedside in an instant.

"Dad? Mom?" Hadrian asked groggily.

"Yes we are here." Severus replied.

"Is Dray here too."

"I am here baby." Draco replied. Hadrian held out his arms to him. Draco took the sign and sat down next to him on the bed. Draco pulled Hadrian into his lap.

"We will be inviting everyone here son." Tom announced.

"Okay let me just get changed." Hadrian's parents left the room. He got off Draco's lap and walked to his closet.

"I have an idea Dray."

"What is it?" Draco asked. He was pleased with the nickname Hadrian had given him.

"We should coordinate our outfits."

"Okay. What do you want to wear?"

"Here," Hadrian said as he handed Draco an outfit. It was a silver shirt with black skinny jeans. Draco spelled it so it would fit him better since Hadrian was smaller than him. Hadrian pulled out a pair of silver skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. They both got dressed. Draco started to admire Hadrian's body. Hadrian noticed and started to get dressed faster while blushing. Draco smirked at him and said

"No need to hide love, I find you beautiful." Draco walked over to Hadrian and hugged. Hadrian stiffened up at first then slowly melted into the hug. Draco let go and continued to get dressed. Once they were both fully dressed they walked downstairs together hand in hand.

"EEEEEEEH! Penseive moment!" They heard Narcissa squealing once they walked into the dining room. Both boys smiled before sitting down next to each other.

"Glad to see you are awake. Your parents have been very worried about you," Lucius said whilst trying to calm down Narcissa.

"Yes we were worried," Said Tom," However we must talk about what we are going to do about schooling. Do you want to go as Harry Potter or do you want to be introduced as Hadrian Riddle."

"I would much rather stay as who I truly am," Hadrian responded. Everyone at the table seemed relieved.

It was at that moment that Sirius and Remus walked in. They said hello to everyone including Lucius, Narcissa, Tom, Bellatrix, Lysander, Severus, Draco, and Hadrian.

"Hello Hadrian. We are glad to see you have been reunited with your true family." Remus spoke up.

"Yes and I am happy that you and Sirius were not some of the ones that betrayed me." Hadrian responded.

"We would never do that cub," Sirius reassured him.

"Now onto the matter on hand," Tom continued,"School. Would you like to return as Harry Potter or be introduced as Hadrian Riddle?"

"I would like to remain as Hadrian where I am not constantly manipulated." Hadrian said to the relief of everyone there.

"Okay then, We will say that you were home-schooled for the first three years of your magical education. Tomorrow we will go to Diagon Alley to get your new wand and your school supplies. we will also get Draco his school supplies."

"Why will he need a new wand?" Draco asked.

"My wand stopped working for me when I went through my creature inheritance. Also because I claimed all my heir and lordships." Hadrian answered for him.

"Oh, I see now." Draco replied.

After breakfast Hadrian and Draco went to the library to study for the next year. They also brushed up on some dark magic. After that they went outside and had a couple of seeker matches. They spent the whole day relaxing and getting to know each other better after that.

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