Part 6

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Hadrian walked down the stairs that led into Gringotts. When he was nearly at the bottom an amazing smell hit him. It was the best thing he had ever smelled. When he looked in the direction it was coming from, he saw a person. Not just any person though. He saw his old school rival, Draco Malfoy. He was standing there with his parents, Lucius and Narcissa. Hadrian felt a shiver of fear before he realized that he had nothing to fear. He was Hadrian riddle not Harry Potter and he had nothing to fear from these people. Suddenly, he wasn't able to control himself and he pounced on Draco, knocking them both to the ground. They started sniffing each other and saying "Mate". Lucius looked startled and Narcissa looked overjoyed.

"Who are you?" Lucius snapped.

"I am Hadrian Mauve Riddle." Hadrian replied smugly.

"Hadrian?!?" Narcissa exclaimed. She was shocked. Lucius was frozen in place. All thoughts of learning about Draco's inheritance were gone. Draco looked like he was about to explode. His mate was the dark lord's son. The one who had been stolen years ago.


Draco was sitting in his mates room on his bed with him. They were playing and talking. Hadrian was laughing at something that 5 year old Draco had said. All of a sudden The front door was kicked down by someone. The boys could hear people yelling downstairs. Little 5 year old Hadrian could only think about protecting his mate. He quickly shoved Draco into his closet. Before he could enter it himself though, a man with sparkly blue eyes picked him up.

"You are Harry Potter now. Obliviate." and with that Hadrian lost all memory of his family. He was brought downstairs to a front room full of unconsience people. He was brought outside of his childhood home and was apparated to 4 privet drive, not without having a glamour placed on him.

End Flashback

Draco got up and helped his mate up. He immediately wrapped an around Hadrian's waist and pulled him closer to him.

"Let's take you to your family then," Narcissa suggested. The boys grabbed on to Narcissa and Lucius before apparating away to Riddle Manor. 

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