Part 2

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Harry soon arrived at his destination. He was welcomed home with a few insults and a kick or two on the shin from Dudley. He put his trunk in his room before going downstairs to cook dinner. He was making steak and mashed potatoes with a garlic butter. As he was going over everything that had happened in his head, he realized that he burned the steak.

Vernon came and yelled at him and dragged him into his "room". He then proceeded to take off his belt and whip harry with it. It burned like hell and the metal buckle was tearing open the already scarred flesh on his back. He watched as his uncle walked out of the room. Harry knew that this wasn't over though, because it never was. The punishments had been getting worse over the years. lo and behold Vernon came back. This time he would take it a step farther though.

Once again Vernon took off his belt, but something different happened this time. He took Harry by the hands and tied him to the bed. He then proceeded to undress Harry before undressing himself. They were both naked. Before Harry could say anything, Vernon gagged him with his shirt. Vernon turned harry over so he was laying on his stomach. He then grabbed Harry's waist before thrusting inside of him. Harry let out a strangled sob. It hurt so much. every inch of him was protesting. Vernon was slowly thrusting in and out of Harry obviously wanting some sort of reaction. Seeing that he was getting none he started thrusting faster. It was an agonizing thirty minutes before Vernon came inside of harry. He then pulled out and redressed before untieing Harry. He then left saying,

"If you tell a soul about this your punishment will be much worse and longer, because next time I might be harder to please." Harry shuddered at the thought that there might be a next time.

He suddenly felt like he was being torn apart. Everything hurt, especially on his head and his shoulder blades. Harry didn't dare yell out in pain though, for fear of what would happen if he did. As the pain reached a new climax, Harry fell into the welcoming embrace of unconsciousness.

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