Part 3

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  morning Harry woke up feeling different. He reached to put on his glasses that had fallen off during the transformation only to realize that he didn't need them. He wondered what had happened, so he stood up and walked to the shattered mirror inside of his wardrobe. What he saw shocked him. He was shorter, now standing at 5'3 as apposed to the 5'5 he was at before. He was also That next slimmer and more feminine looking. his skin was also a pale shade, like the color of the moon on a clear night. His hair had grown to reaching just below his waist. It was also darker, Black almost. His eyes had changed a lot too. They were now a startling icy blue that could freeze anyone's soul. If you looked closely you could see a ring of crimson around his pupils. His face had changed becoming more aristocratic and feminine, too. Most surprising though were the big black wings sprouting from his back and the two dark horns on his head.

A loud pop startled him from his thinking. He turned to see a letter on his "bed" if you could call it that. He opened it up and saw that it was a letter from Gringotts. When he opened it up this is what he saw.

Dear Hadrian M. Riddle,

Yes you heard that right. It has come to our attention that you have just recently come into your creature/magical inheritance. We would advise you to come to Gringotts to sort out your inheritance as well as your lord/heirships. Inside are your birth certificates, real and fake. Please come at your earliest convenience. This letter is a port-key. The activating word is galleon.


Harry then opened his birth certificates.

Birth Certificate (Fake)

Mother: Lily Potter

Father: James Potter

Child: Harry James Potter

Birthday: July 31 12:00

Birth Certificate (Real)

Mother: Severus Snape

Father: Tom Riddle Jr.

Child: Hadrian Mauve Riddle

Well holy shit. Hadrian thought. He decided that he was going to go to Gringotts after lunch, during the Dursley's nap. So he waited.

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