Chapter Sixty- Kylo Ren.

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I remember it.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

Watching my twin sister, lay on her deathbed, with oxygen and other equipment hooked up to her.

She just looked so fragile.

Some would say she was.

But to me, she was a warrior. She was strong. She was the strongest girl I had ever met.

She would get through this.


She didn't.


Instead, she died.

She left us.

She died eight months after I left for the Jedi academy.

I left, only because she told me she would be fine. That I should live my life and stop looking out for her all the time. That Luke was going to help me make a difference.

I was weak enough to believe her.

It was obvious she was lying.

She was just so pale. And she couldn't even stay awake long enough to have a full conversation. But yet somehow she made me believe her.

I swear she Jedi mind tricked me.

My mother and my father were absolutely heartbroken when she was diagnosed. She tried her hardest to assure them she would be fine. That she'd get over it.

And she did.

But then it returned.

And this time, it was just too much.

The day they contacted us, telling us what happened, was the hardest, most painful day of my life.

I blamed Luke.

Part of me tells me that it wasn't. That he didn't force me to go. But the other half of me - the slightly stronger half - tells me that it was.

For some reason, I believe that other half, the slightly weaker half, is her. It's Brittany.

She always kept me in the right mind state.

I feel that if she lived, I would not have turned. Maybe she would've stopped me. She would've knocked some sense into me. But instead she died. She left me. She left mom. And she left dad.

Now dad is dead.

He was killed by that monster.

He's dead because of me.

I'm the monster.


So this chapter had literally no talking in it. But I wanted to show Ben's side of things.

I wanted to show how he took her death.

And I wanted to have a chapter all about the two of them.

So, I hope you enjoyed. Thank you for reading (sorry it's all over the place.) and please don't spoil anything in the comment section.

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