Chapter Fifty Six- C.J..

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"Alright, so I called the meeting today to announce something." Leia explains. "We will be moving to a different base which is located on the planet Crait. I'm sorry for this unexpected news, but we are doing it to protect the people closest to us. Thank you for your time, please pack any cherished belongs to take with you."

Leia walks off without saying anything else, leaving us behind with a crowd of confused people.

I look around the bases main room. I literally only just got used to this place. Now we're leaving. Again.

In the corner of my eyes, I see my father. He has a confused expression painted over his face.

"Dad!" I call, rushing towards him. "There you are."

"There you are!" My dad greets. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, dad." I nod. "I'm fine. Are you?"

"Of course I am!" He exclaims. "Don't worry about me, though. Are you sure you're alright?"

"...Dad, stop it."

"I'm sorry! I'm you're dad. It's my job to worry."

"And I'm your son." I state. "It's my job to tell you when you're worrying too much."

"You're right!" He says. "I'm sorry. You've just been so busy with your friends lately -  which I'm not complaining about, you never had friends back on our planet—"


"Alright, alright, I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I reply. "If you want, we can take a ship back to Crait together."

"That would be really nice." He states. "Gosh, I still can't get over the fact that this base is on our home planet? That's so odd."

"I know, I know." I sigh. "I really need to go to my bunk just so I can pack a few things."


I then begin to walk away.

"Cayden, wait." He calls, I turn around. "Just ... be on time. And most importantly, be on time. I can't lose you like how I lost your mom and sister."

"Dad," I say. "you won't. I promise."


"C.J., wait!"

I turn around to see Rosie, holding a small bag of what I can only assume to be her belongings. "What?"

"Um, I wanted to ask you, are you going to ride with us or..."

"...No, sorry." I state. "I'm riding with my dad. I haven't seen him for awhile and we really should catch up."

"Oh," she says. "well, I guess I'll see you on Crait then?"

"You will."  I reply. "I promise."



"...Anyway," I smile. "I should probably get going."

"Yeah! Me too!" She states. "I'm going with, um, Rey and Finn? Lyra and Poe are taking the X-wings so they can help fight."

"Well, that's good." I say. "Um, see you later."

"Yeah, you too."


"So, what have you been up to?" My dad asks, piloting the ship. "Anything interesting going on?"

"...Yeah, I guess." I shrug. "I mean, my friends, Poe and Lyra, they discovered their feelings for each other. Or at least, he accidentally mentioned it to her. Honestly, I have no idea what happened with them after that."

"Well, that's neat."

"It really is." I reply. "They seem like they'd make a great couple."

He nods.

"Um, dad?" I ask.


"You brought up mom and Nyla." I say. "We haven't mentioned them in over seven years."

"I know." He states. "I shouldn't have."

"No, no," I state. "don't apologize, it's good. We should talk about them more."

"Yeah," he agrees. "it's just ... so hard."

"I know." I nod. "It's really hard. But we can't forget that they once existed. We can't let their legacies die with them."

"We won't." He states. "We'll honor them like we should have."

I grin. "I'm glad."


As you can see, we are learning a bit more about the character C.J., which I myself find very interesting.

What we learned about his character in this chapter is that, his real name is Caden (yes, I changed it), and I didn't mention it yet but, his middle name is Jacob.

Also, he has a sister named Nyla, who passed away, along with their mother.

So again, thanks for reading, keep this story's comment section spoiler free, and hope you enjoyed!

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