Chapter Sixty One- Finn.

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"Reading that thing again?" I ask, pointing to the history book in her hands. Sighing, she looks up at me.

"Yes." She states. "Why?"

"Well, last time you read it, you were in tears." I state. "So, I thought that you wouldn't want to read that again."

"I got past that." She replies. "I just read the part about Obi Wan Kenobi, aka my grandfather, cutting off my other grandfather's arm and legs, and my grandmother
Padmé's funeral after he force-choked her."

"Man, your family's messed up."

"Mm hm." She agrees. "I just really hope I never lose an arm."

"What about a leg?"

"A leg I'm not too worried about." She states. "Since it seems losing arms is what runs in my family."

"Rey, I'm bet won't lose your arm." I chuckle. "And if you do, at least you'd have a cool robotic arm."

"Then she'd definitely be Bucky." C.J. says, walking into the room.

"Hey, C-"

"-Just call me Caden." Caden replies. "I only went by C.J. because it kind of separated me from my past. It took awhile, but I finally realized instead of blocking myself from that part of me, that I should face it. So you guys can now call me Caden - Cade for short."

"Alright, Caden," Poe tries. "Yeah, I like that a lot better. C.J. was just too much."

"It was literally just two letters." Lyra replies. "C and then J. C.J. - easy! Caden's longer then that."

Poe rolls his eyes, and sits down next to us. "So, what do you guys want to do today?"

"Well, we should probably train for the battle coming up." I say. "Oh, and real quick question; Rey, how in the galaxy do you know how to read?"

"Sometimes people would pass by on their way to another planet." Rey explains. "On rare occasions, the people would be nice enough to acknowledge me. One time, this women saw me, and asked if I was okay. I lied and said I was. She passed me this card and told me that if I ever felt down, just to read that and it would help me. I replied, explaining that I could not read. She taught me the alphabet and now to pronounce the letters, and so I kind of learnt that way. Make any sense?"

"Uh, no."

"There's still a bunch of words that I don't know how to pronounce." She admits. "So I just skip over them. Which I know, is really lazy. But boo-hoo."

"So we're training?" Caden asks. "Neat. I guess I could use to learn a bit more fighting skills. So why not?"

"Hey, Cade," Rose says, looking at him. "know how to shoot a blaster?"

"Of course I do." He replies.

"Well, come on then!"

They run off.

"Aren't they adorkable?" Rey asks.

"Says the former most adorkablest girl in the galaxy." Lyra says.

"Hey!" Rey exclaims. "Ah, guess it isn't anything to be offended about."

"Yeah." I agree. "Dorks are awesome. Especially when you're adorkable."

"Alright, let's go."


"Hey, do you ever wonder why he did this?" Rose asks, picking up the blaster and aiming it at the empty food can. I give her a confused glance. "Ben. Do you ever wonder why he turned?"

"I don't know." Poe shrugs. "I mean, he took Brittany's death hard. And I highly doubt it was just a coincidence that he turned just days after her death."

"Guess you're right." She replies. "It's just so sad. I really miss her."

"If you won't mind me asking, who's Brittany?" Rey asks.

"You literally forgot everything." Lyra states.

"I want to know, too." I state.

Lyra sighs. "Brittany was Ben's twin sister."

"They were inseparable." Poe adds. "They were best of friends. Never apart."

"He was with her the whole entire battle." Rose states. "Then he left for the Jedi academy. And then, just eight months later, she passed away."

"That ... that sucks." Rey states. "I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." Lyra says. "She was your cousin. You guys were really close, too. She sort of looked out for you."

Rey nods, with a sad expression on her face.

"Why did she have to die?" Rose asks. "Like, why did all of this have to happen?"

"Well," Rey sighs. "every fairy tail needs a good old finished villain. And people just enjoy the villains more when they have backstories. Especially if they're sad ones."

"Well, that's a pretty good answer." Poe laughs. "Any-who, I should probably spend time with BeeBee. He's been complaining a lot."

"Goodness, ya going to marry that droid?" Lyra jokes, putting down the staff and walking out of the room.

"LYRA KIMBERLY ANDOR!" He shouts. "For the BILLIONTH TIME! I am NOT going to marry him! And, also, HE has a NAME! It's BB-8 and if you can't say that, then just call him BeeBee. And if you can't say that then don't talk about him EVER AGAIN!"

Poe turns to us.

"I have to go," he says calmly, walking off.

"It's so funny how offended he gets." Caden laughs, watching as he leaves. "I should get going as well. I eat dinner."

"Ooh! I wanna come!"

"They're definitely the most adorkable people in the galaxy." Rey states.



I lay on my bed in my bunk, looking up at the ceiling.

This base is just so much different from the others. It almost reminds me a bit more of the First Order base, only warmer and much nicer.

It's just set up like it.

Today I learned a few things about my friends. Apparently that awful monster, Kylo Ren, once had a sister named Brittany. They didn't mention how she died, but how they spoke it sounded like she had some sort of illness.

That's really sad.

I feel bad for Leia, Han, Luke, Rey, and even Ben.

He lost his twin sister.

Maybe after all, Kylo isn't as terrible as I always thought he was.

Maybe he does have emotions.

Maybe Ben Solo is still in there after all.

Maybe, just maybe, there's still enough light in him for him to return.

I'll never forgive him for killing Han. But maybe I could find it in myself to be nice to him and try to get him to come back.

Right now, it's all up to him.



Oh my gosh, I just watched Supergirl for the first time ever. It's amazing!
But that mid season finale, so sad! I hate Mon-El and Irma so much right now.

Can't wait for the Arrowverse to return in January.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading. See you later!

(Edited: Thanks Real_Nola_LaRue for pointing out that I messed up with Brittany's name. I get them mixed up.)

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