Chapter Sixty Four- Finn.

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"Where's Kylo?" I demand, crossing my arms, staring at the face of the person I hate. When she doesn't answer, I feel anger rising inside of me. "We came here to fight Kylo Ren - now where is he?"

She sighs. "Kylo Ren isn't here."

"We can see that." Luke states. "Maybe you could tell us where he is?"

"You didn't let me finish." She replies. "Kylo Ren isn't here - he's on Jakku."


The three of us say, at the same exact moment.

"You didn't say Jakku, right?" Rey asks, causing me to glance over at her. "Right?"

"I'm sorry, did I stutter?" Phasma asks, sarcastically. "Of course I said Jakku. What - can you not hear me, young scavenger? He's just there so he can show you where you truly belong."

Rey glares at her.

"Alright - Phasma - don't." I say. "You don't like me - I don't like you - but please don't take your hate out on her. Because, well, she probably will kill you. And don't you think for a minute that she'll hesitate."

Phasma rolls her eyes. "Alright, be on your way. I can't look at your faces for another minute."

I agree with this, and we look for a ship.


"Why does everyone wanna go back to Jakku!" I exclaim, sitting in the cockpit next to Rey and Luke.

"In my own defense, I was told my parents would come back for me there." Rey states, Luke glances at her. "They never did. So I thought they'd come back while I was away, but then Maz told me they wouldn't. Sooo..."

"Doesn't your enemy live here?" I ask, she sighs heavily.

"Great." She says. "I have to face off with my evil cousin and my enemy/abusing caretaker. Can this day get any better?"

"Stop your grumbling." Luke says, messing with the control panels. "We're here."


"I swear - after this battle I'm moving to a galaxy far, far away from here." Rey says, walking through the sandy ground of the desert planet. She's been quiet, although occasionally she'll make a few comments on how awful this planet is.

It's not much, however.

Luke doesn't seem too fazed with the sand flying around the air.

I know he grew up on a sandy planet, but no one could possibly get used to sand in their eyes and the extreme heat. Right?


I guess some people can - but I can't.

Not at all.

It takes awhile, but we finally see a very tall pale man with a ruined face, and a slightly shorter man with dark black hair and a scar across his eye.

I sigh.

This is where the war could end.

The most terrifying thing about this is I don't know which side will win.

The hideous creature steps forwards, while the other stands not-too-far behind him.

"I see you've shown." The hideous creature, Kylo, states. Rey and Luke stay silent, but behind their eyes is pain and sorrow.

"Well, maybe you aren't as weak as I always thought you to be." Kylo says.

"Why did you choose us to come here?" Rey asks, anger in her voice. "Out of all the planets in the galaxy - you had to choose here?"

"Now, young Skywalker, I thought it'd only make sense for us to meet here." Kylo informs. "Mainly because this place is where you're the most vulnerable. You hate this place. It brings back awful memories. Doesn't it?"

Rey stays silent.

"This is where your own father and uncle abandoned you, promising to come back only right after you watched as your mother was murdered. Probably hurts to be back here. Especially since they never came back."

"Stop it..." Rey mutters.

"Excuse me? I couldn't hear you." He states. "Did you say 'stop it'? You just want me to stop talking because you're afraid of the truth. You don't want to hear how disappointing your family truly is."

"Stop it." Rey repeats, only this time a bit more demanding.

"You know, I used to think you were different from them, but it turns out I was wrong." He continues. "You're the worst one! Just look at you, you're a mess! Ever wonder if Luke only said that he was protecting you as an excuse for him to abandon you? Maybe that whole thing about you being the strongest force user is just a myth. Maybe your parents looked at you the way you were. Nothing. And they were going to leave you even if I didn't turn. Face it, Rey, no one cares for you. No one ever will. This place is where you truly belong. You deserve this."

"I said, stop it!" Rey shouts, charging at him with her lightsaber activated.

Soon the battle unravels. Luke and I battle Snoke, while Rey continues to fight Kylo Ren.

Everything moves very quickly.

Okay, so I'm sorry for not updating sooner.

I tried to, but writers block returned, and last night I got a bit of inspiration to write but it was too late and I ended up falling asleep. I didn't update earlier today, because I woke up with sinus issues and a very sore throat. I feel awful!

But since this chapter was basically almost done, I decided just to add a few more things and to post it.

The next few chapters should be more interesting.

Really quick, I want to say this: I have gotten so many new views on this story ever since the Last Jedi. So I want to welcome all the new readers!

Also, I wanted to say my sequel to this story already has a plot and a title name. I'll try to release it once this is over.

Once again, thanks for reading! You guys are awesome. And well, may we meet again!


If you have already watched the Last Jedi, and are deeply disappointed about how it went down, there is this petition going around so Disney fixes the movie. If you'd like to sign this, then I can DM you the link to it.

Thank you for your time.)

The Return of the Skywalkers - Rey Skywalker // Book IV in A Spark of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now