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You sat, one leg bent and the other outstretched, watching as Hiccup fixed his armour. You could see he was upset. The talk with his mother hadn't panned out as he had hoped. She continued to turn down the idea, and you knew that her decision was made long before Hiccup had suggested it. You turned your attention to the dragons flying around the nest, briefly watching them circle and land. It was a truly beautiful sight. Being underground in a cavern filled with magical crystals was amazing, but nothing could top the Bewilderbeast's nest. Your attention turned to Astra and Toothless, who both were being pestered by baby Nadders. Astra took to it more kindly than Tooth, letting them crawl over her and batting at them playfully. Tooth gave a surprised look, as they began licking his face. You tried to suppress a giggle, but he heard and turned to glare at you.

"Well, we can't wait around for Drago to attack this place," Hiccup said, grabbing your attention. "We gotta find him first." You knew you had to put this plan in action, and soon, but you didn't know how to do so. You couldn't suppress your memories of your life before the events of the movie any longer at this point, and you could, for a short moment, remember this part of the film. Sort of. Something was going to happen, and then Drago would come and attack. You shook your head, and the memory cleared. It felt so weird, and unwelcome. You were happy here. You didn't need your past life anymore. Tooth brought you out of your thoughts, making a distressed noise and trying to fight off the baby Nadders. You laughed, and Astra gurgled a laugh. He finally grew annoyed, and roared, sending them off into the air. His cry also scared the Nadders away from Astra, who blinked in surprise. Her adventurous little Nadders hadn't been all that bothersome. Tooth looked up, before bringing his tail to his face. There, gnawing on his tail was the last baby Nadder, who opened its eyes and took one last munch. Hiccup watched with amused eyes. "Let's go."

At that moment, a hand covered Hiccup's mouth and he let out a startled sound, which came out muffled. You jumped in panic, head-turning, only to see Stoick. The dragons reacted similarly. "Easy now," he said, attempting to calm Toothless. Hiccup broke free, jumping back. You quickly rose to your feet. "You kidding me? How did you get in here?!" Hiccup looked less than impressed. "Same as we're getting you out," Stoick responded simply. "We?" You asked, head tipping in curiosity. "All clear," Gobber said, your eyes locking onto him. Oh. "Toothless, girls, come on," Stoick said, grabbing Hiccup by the arm and dragging him. You and the dragons followed as you tried to get closer to Hiccup. "Wait," he said, following along, "dad, th-there's something you need to know." You realised he meant Valka, and you tried to keep up as best as you could. A part of you felt like this was the something that was going to happen, but you pushed the thought back. You were here now, things were different.

"Yeah, yeah, tell me on the way," Stoick said dismissively, only half listening. He was too focused on getting out of here. "Well, this isn't really an 'on the way' kind of update, actually." You were fast, behind him now, noticing that his arm was no longer being held. "I've heard enough, Hiccup." You could tell by his voice, that he wasn't willing to hear it. He sounded fed up and exhausted. "It's more of the 'earth-shattering development' variety." You rolled your eyes. You could see how they were related now. They both were too stubborn. Stoick wasn't willing to listen, and Hiccup wasn't about to give up. "Yeah, add it to the pile." He stopped to squeeze through a gap in the rocks, Hiccup tailing behind him. You and Astra made it through with ease, but Tooth couldn't get through without turning his head."Dad, unlike most surprises I spring on you, this is one you'll like. I-I promise."

"You just have to handle it delicately. So," You all slowed, eying Gobber standing in the way. He turned, walking past Stoick and patting his shoulder. "Uh, you might want to take this one," Gobber said, eyes wide in shock. "Oh boy," Stoick said, hand on the hilt of his sword. He unsheathed the weapon, ready for a fight, despite what you knew to be in the opening. "Ohhh, ah, dad, can you put the sword away, please?" Hiccup asked, quickly following his father. You followed, Gobber behind you, alongside the Furies. Stoick stopped and gasped. You and Hiccup ducked past him, seeing Valka. He looked as if he had seen a ghost. His hand lowered before the hilt slipped from his grasp and the blade clattered against the stone floor. He reached for his helmet, bringing it to his chest.

"I know what you're going to say, Stoick. How could I have done this? Stayed away all of these years? Why didn't I come back to you? To our son?" Stoick still stood there, looking at her as if it were the first time. Valka, however, looked so torn, so full of emotion. Like her emotions now at the brim and at any point would overflow. "Well, what sign did I have that you could change, Stoick? That anyone on Berk could?" Stoick was slowly advancing towards her, as she continued. "I pleaded so many times to stop the fighting, to find another answer, but did any of you listen?" Whilst talking, Cloudjumper could sense the uncertainty and helplessness his rider was feeling, and slowly moved towards her.

"This is why I never married," Gobber said to you and Hiccup, "this, and one other reason." You both gave Gobber a confused, questioning look. One other reason? What was he implying?

Oh. Ohhhh. Now you got it.

"I know that I left you to raise Hiccup alone, but I thought he would be better off without me. And I was wrong, I see that now, but," Stoick continued to advance towards his wife, backing her against a wall of ice. She had tears welling in her eyes. "Oh, stop being so stoic, Stoick. Go on, shout, scream, say something!" She pulled her face back slightly, as he cupped her cheek with an outstretched hand. "You're as beautiful as the day I lost you." Watching the two of them made you want to cry. This was so heart-wrenching to witness. It felt like you were invading a private, personal moment. They kissed, and you wiped a stray tear from your eye. The dragons in the cavern seemed to feel the same way, making sad noises and retreating from the scene. You took a glance at Hiccup, watching his lips curl upwards into a small, half-smile. Your heart leapt at the sight, and you nudged his side with yours. He looked back at you, the smile growing.

Oh boy

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