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You shook your head to clear your thoughts. No, you told yourself. Stop. Focus on your life as it is now. You let yourself smile. This was your world now. You had to go on, and not let your old life hold you back. Finally deciding that you had to focus on what was happening now, your determination to find Astra grew.

You weren't too far from Berk now. In fact, Hiccup was practically about to land. He dismounted and held out a hand for you. "Mi'lady," he said with a smile, hand outstretched. You cast your gaze away and leaned forward on the saddle, stroking Toothless' head. "I want to find Astra."

Hiccup sighed. "(Name)...It's not that simple." You frowned and continued to stroke Toothless. "If Toothless went missing, would you go looking for him?" He looked at your with a frown. "(Name)..." You turned and looked him in the eyes. "Would you?"

He sighed in defeat and looked down towards the ground. "Yes." You moved forward on the saddle and locked your feet in. "Come on, I know where she is." Hiccup silently obliged, mounting Toothless and wrapping his arms around your waist. You flinched momentarily, but regained your composure, pulling up on the saddle causing Toothless to take off.

Hiccup yelped and held onto you tighter as you forced Toothless to go as fast as he could. Neither were used to the extreme speeds you were forcing. By no time, you landed on Outcast Island, roughly hitting the sandy shore as Toothless had been tired out far too quickly. You dismounted, leaving the two behind as your feet pulled you ominously towards...something.

"Hey! Wait for us!" You faintly heard Hiccup call for you, but ignored him. You slowly recognised the surrounding area, and your pace quickened to a run. I'm coming, you told yourself. You felt a gush of air from above as Toothless landed in front of you, a concerned Hiccup sitting on his saddle. You kept your pace, ducking under Toothless and sliding before standing up again and continuing along.

You heard Hiccup sigh, before the sound of heavy feet thumping against the ground trailed behind you. This prompted you to run faster. You had to find Astra. You slowed as a dip in the ground appeared, and you looked back once at Hiccup, before taking a step forward and plunging through what seemed to be a solid dip in the ground. Hiccup shouted after you, and made Toothless follow, gasping as he realised you were sliding down a grassy wall and seeing that you had really gone through a layer of leaves and tree branches.

"Astra! Come here, girl! I remember!" You called out, adrenaline running through your veins as you scanned the surrounding area. You stumbled a little and wobbled with your arms spread out, standing on flat, solid ground again. "Astra! C'mon girl!" You called again, eyes shining with hope. But nothing happened. Hiccup sighed, dismounting Toothless and slowly approaching your side, resting a hand on your shoulder.

"Let's go." He said gently. "There's nothing here. You're only going to disappoint yourself." You sighed and dropped your head in defeat. Maybe he was right. Maybe this was all for nothing. Maybe Astra had moved on to another island, in search of you. But it didn't feel right. You didn't remember much, but you knew she wouldn't leave without you, even if you told her to. "(Name)...C'mon." Hiccup's hand slid down from your shoulder, down your arm, and his fingers laced with yours. He gave a gentle tug.

You were about to nod in defeat, when you heard a loud crack. Your head jerked upwards and you ripped your hand away from his grip, running towards the sound. "(Name)! No!" Hiccup cried out, stumbling after you, but you ignored him and pushed yourself to run faster. You jumped over roots and slid under branches, weaving yourself around the underbrush, heading towards the location of the sound.

Hiccup, worried you'd get hurt, or worse, mounted Toothless and raced after you. You had gotten a head start and were already further along, but it didn't take long for him and his dragon to catch up. Toothless went to grab your arms, but you ducked and rolled, anticipating the capture and slid across the ground, changing your route. This tactic felt so natural and familiar, that you literally rolled with it.

You changed your route every time Toothless attempted to grab you, but still headed towards the source of the noise. Your head perked. There was another crack, and this time it was a lot closer. You pushed yourself harder, finally the adrenaline fading and the well kept endurance slowly growing sloppy. "Astra! I'm coming girl!" You shouted, not giving up.

"(Name)!" Hiccup shouted from somewhere behind you. "Please! Come back!" You ignored his pleas and kept pushing yourself, but you knew you were losing your breath, and your legs were growing a lot weaker. Just a little more... You told yourself, slipping under another tree branch. You pushed forward again, before slamming into a hard, scaly surface. "Damnit Hiccup..." You grumbled, before looking up.

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