I quit

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The sound of your alarm sent you bolting out of your bed. Realizing it was just your alarm clock, and a bit embarrassed by being startled by the thing you got out of bed. Looking around your room. Knowing you were going to have to go back to that job you dreaded, now, it wasn't technically the job itself you hated, but he fact that you could be doing so much more then...mapping out advertisements... but since you weren't going to build up the courage to quit then that was going to be the price you would have to pay. So you got up and began to do your daily routine, noticing the first aid kit you left open on the couch. You brushed that away however and hurried out the door.

Strolling down the street you closed your eyes, your skin absorbing the autumn sunlight, letting a smile escape your lips. Opening your eyes once again you walked into the cafe you had first talked to Terrance in. You ordered the same drink you ordered before and continued on your way. Taking a sip of the drink every so often. You thought about calling Terrance to see if he was ok and he didn't break anything. But you didn't want to bother him, he could be cleaning roofs or something.


Terrance placed another book on its shelf, he loved to help at the local library. Organizing the books into their proper place, and getting to be surrounded by worlds upon worlds. He liked to read as a child. It helped him forget the awful household he lived in. He always dreamed of moving out and reading by himself all day. But now he had no time, so this is the best he had. But he continued to stack books into the shelf, like he always did. He looked at his watch and smiled.

"Y/N should be at work right now." He muttered. Moving his watch away and grabbing more books from the cart and loading them on to even more shelves. He thought he would be able to play hero before he had to go to his first class. Then he could come home, order take out. and hopefully relax. Maybe even tomorrow he could ask Y/N out on a date. So he finished unloading the cart full of books and quickly made his way to rescue Y/N.

Hastily making his way towards your office he felt a rush of excitement flowing through him. If he could convince her to quit her so dreaded job not only would he be a hero in her eyes. But then she would have more time to spend with him. That was of course in till she found a new job. Walking up to the front door he greeted the secretary seated at the lobby's desk.

"Oh. It's you again" the secretary groaned. "Are you here with more flowers?"

Terrance chuckled. No, not today. I'm here to see Y/N. Is she at work today by any chance?"

"I'm sorry sir but we can't allow visitors into the office building unless they have previously been approved." She didn't even bother to see his reaction and returned to her game of solitary on her computer.

Not wanted to make a fuss he sat in the waiting room reaching out his phone. Pulling up his beloveds number out he decided to send her a quick little message. Hoping to encourage her into leaving that work place.

I hope you're day goes well, remember you can be whoever you want to. And if that means not working here then so be it. I believe in you. <3

Now he sent it and waited. Hoping his little petal would take action soon.


Pulling out your phone to see the message you had received you noticed it was from a number with no name, but the number did look familiar to you, so you decided you could take a few minutes out of your day to reply. Reading the message though you knew exactly who it was from. It was quite heart warming and did make your face light up. But also strange to revive such encouraging words from only an aquatinted stranger. But you couldn't stop rereading it. The urge to just jump out of your chair and leave was incredibly high. And before you knew it, snapped out of your thoughts. You had the whole office floor staring at you and the sudden movement you made from up your seat. Now standing up in an uneasiness you looked around. People giving you glances of confusion, excepting you to make an announcement from your actions. Gripping tightly onto your phone you realized your mistake and wanted to sit back down but you weren't for sure if that would either make things more awkward or not. Maybe you could just come up with some fake announcement to give some justice to your actions. Then you notice your departments boss staring at you as well, she had been making her way back to her enclosed office while you had decided to suddenly bolt out of your seat. You thought maybe you could wait until people went back to their work and then sit but the more you dwelled on that idea the worse and worse it got. So you cleared your throat, looked at the message on your screen and decided that is was either now or never.

"I quit."

You spoke in a very mellow tone and now that you had said it out loud it sounded a lot less spectacular than in your head, and definitely not like in the movies.

"You what?" Your boss inquired. Taking a few steps toward you.

Picking up your things and hoping to leave as soon as possible you repeated yourself, now placing your bag on your shoulder you looked at her directly in the face, she seemed a lot more intimidating than before when she was further away.

"I said I quit, now good day."

You decided to pace to the elevator as quick as you could, to avoid further awkward confrontation with those around you. Rushing into the elevator you left for the lobby. And rushing out of the building. But to your surprise, Terrance was there, outside waiting for you. You had honestly seen him popping up so much yesterday it didn't feel too weird today. But still for only knowing him for such a short amount of time you sure did see him a lot.

"I quit." You'd said. You couldn't help but smile. What was before such intimidating words were now your victory. "Thanks to your words." She chuckled.

He now couldn't help but smile, his plan was working.

A/N I'm so sorry I had disappeared for so long. Hopefully I can stay consistent from now on, I have a vision for this story and definitely want to see it written out. Thank you for the patience  :)

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